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Practice Practice Homework 1.跟读p2—p6课文三遍,家长签字。 2.熟读P3、P5、P7重点句型三遍,家长签字。 3.背诵今天学的单词,明天听写。 4.预习lesson 4-5的单词及课文,红绿笔标注。 Thank you! L/O/G/O ‘ Class disciplines 课堂 纪律 1.Be not absent from class. If it is necessary, please inform me ahead of class time so that your name will not be. 2.Don’t eat within anything class time. 3.Don’t sleep in the class time 4.Be not late for class for It is impolite. 5.Question can be asked at anytime in class, but put Your hand first. 6.Done your homework in time. Mark 老师 格言:拿了橘子跑! Knowledge is power! Unit 1 This is my new friend. Outline 一、学习目标: ? 1.?复习如何用英语介绍别人,询问某人的籍贯和职业并进行回答;并能够听、说、认读有关国籍和职业的单词; ?2.?能够听、说、读、写26个英语字母。 二、重点、难点: 1.?句型:? What‘s?your?father?? My?mother?is?a?TV?reporter.? Your?father?is?a?policeman.? 2.?英语字母 Aa到Zz的正确读音和书写,注意区分手写体和印刷体。 3.单词 doctor,?nurse,?postman? Contents 4 Words phrases 1 2 3 5 Key sentences Text Dialogue Practice country [k?ntri] coun-try China America England Canada Singapore country China Chi-na [t?a?n?] Chi-ne-se 中国人;汉语 china 瓷器 I am a Chinese. I’m from china. I can speak Chinese. I like china. America A-me-ri-ca American 美国人 USA 美国 He’s a America. He’s from America. [?mer?k?] England Eng-lan-d English 英语;英国人 the UK 英国 He’s an English. He’s from the UK. [??ɡl?nd] Canada Ca-na-da Ca-na-dians加拿大人 ma-ple 枫叶 She’s a Canadian. He’s from the UK. Maple is a symbol of Canada. [k?n?d?] Singapore Sin-ga-pore Singapore city She’s from Singapore. [?s??g?p?:] Fri-end good friends We are good friends ! [frend] Occupation [,ɑkjupe??n] dri-ver far-mer doc-tor post-man tea-cher o-ccu-pa-tion nur-se doc-tor What’s he? He is a handsome doctor. What’s she? She is a pretty nurse. nur-se He is a kind farmer. What’s he? far-mer What’s she? She is a teacher. tea-cher What’s the little boy? He is a little postman. post-man What’s she? She is a driver. dri-ver doctor driver nurse 职业 postman Key sentences A:Hi! I’m Jim. I’m from America


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