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Ⅲ. 原因阐释型—句子模板 1. 一果多因: ⑴ Why ? For one thing, . For another, . ⑵ The answer to this problem involves many factors. For one thing, . For another, . Still another, . ⑶ A number of factors, both physical and psychological affect/both individual and social contribute to . ⑷ Another important factor is . Ⅲ. 原因阐释型—句子模板 1. 一果多因: ⑸ is also responsible for the change/problem. ⑹ Certainly, the is not the sole reason for . ⑺ The factors that contribute to include . ⑻ You don’t have to look very far to identify the reason that . ⑼ Thanks to/ Owing to/Due to/Because of/As a result of . Ⅲ. 原因阐释型—句子模板 2. 一因多果 ⑴ It will produce a profound/far-reaching effect/impact on . ⑵ It involves some serious consequence for . ⑶ There are a number of dreadful consequence of . Perhaps the most serious/disastrous consequence is . ⑷ It may cause/result in/lead to a host/number of problems. ⑸ It leaves/involves some serious consequence of ⑹ The immediate result it produce is . And perhaps the most obvious result of is . Ⅲ. 原因阐释型—作文模板 1 Nowadays, we often hear that (提出现象). 2 This phenomenon is not accidental, and there is social and individual background. 3 Why ? 4 For one thing, (原因1). 5 For another, (原因2). 6 For instance, (举例说明). 7 From that, 8 we . 9 As far as I am concerned, I agree that . 10 I think that (作者本人的观点). 11 . 第三段或为:9 We should take measures to . 10 First, (措施1). Second, (措施2). 11 Finally, (措施3). Ⅳ. 问题解决型—特点及写作要求 问题解决型的作文通常先说明情况,提出问题,随后提出解决方法或处理方式,最后给予评价。 Ⅳ. 问题解决型—写作流程 第一段:引言。(描述现状、形势、提出问题。) 第二段:解决方案。(提出解决问题的方法。) 第三段:评价或个人选择。(简要评价提及的方法,或选择其中一、两种自己认为合适的方法并说明理由。) Ⅳ. 问题解决型—句子模板 1. 提出


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