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3) 建议与结论   文章的结尾常结合两种写法。有的先提出建议或解决办法,再做结论。有的则先做出结论,再提出建议,例如:    主题:Shortage of natural resources(自然资源短缺)   The prolonged development of human society proves that population and economic and social progress eventually cannot be achieved without natural resources. To save the limited resources, we must take some measures to handle appropriately the relationship between the population and resources. 注:该段首先进行总结:人类社会持续的发展证明,如果没有自然资源,人口的繁衍、经济和社会的发展最终都是不可能的。作者接着建议,为了节约有限的资源,我们必须采取一些措施,正确处理人口与资源的关系。 4) 提醒读者事物的两面性   文章的结尾还可以以转折的形式,提醒读者任何事物都有 两面性,从而认识到其不足或负面的影响。 例如:主题:Solar Energy(太阳能)   However, solar energy has its disadvantages. One is that it is still very expensive for widespread practical use. Besides, solar systems would not work in cloudy or rainy days as well as at night. But in sunny areas, solar energy could help solve the energy crisis. 注:该段指出了太阳能的两个缺点:一、太贵; 二、太阳能系统在阴雨天和晚上无法工作,从而让人们更全面地了解太阳能。值得注意的是, 在指出某一事物的另一面时,不能用太多笔墨,否则会喧宾夺主,淡化主题思想 5)用反问句结尾: 虽然形式是疑问句,但意义是肯定的,具有很明显的强调作用,能引起读者的思考。 例如:主题:Homework If there were no homework on weekends, students would come to school on Monday well refreshed and willing to work. Isnt that both beneficial to students and teachers? 语言的优化 名词化 被动语态 插入语 主从复合句和并列句 多替换词汇 Some people feel that this kind of food plays a positive role in the world because it is convenient and cheap. Some people believe that this kind of food has a positive role to play in the world because of its convenience and low cost. 动转名 I think that computer games can also do some good to young people. Computer games , in my opinion ,can also do some good to young people . 插入语 The captain was a tall, thin man with a big mustache. He was pacing the bridge with a look of importance. The captain, a tall, thin man with a mustache, was pacing the bridge with a look of importance. 精简整合 Teenagers are pressured by school work and they are also encouraged by their peers, and under these, they resort to smoking, and sometimes they feel a little guilty. P


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