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1. 杭州概貌 杭州历史悠久,自秦设置县治以来,已有2200多年历史。杭州是华夏文明的发祥地之一,是五代吴越国和南宋王朝两代建都地,是我国七大古都之一,被13世纪意大利旅行家马可·波罗赞叹为“世界上最美丽华贵之城”。 近年来,杭州先后获得联合国人居奖、国际花园城市、全国绿化模范城市、国家森林城市、中国人居环境奖、中国大陆最佳商业城市、中国最具幸福感城市、中国城市总体投资环境最佳城市、最值得向世界介绍的中国名城、中国电子商务之都、中国创业之城、中国最佳旅游城市、中国十佳宜居城市、中国十大休闲城市等全国性乃至国际性荣誉称号。连续六年被美国《福布斯》杂志评为“中国大陆最佳商业城市”,连续六年被《瞭望东方周刊》评为“中国最具幸福感城市”榜首。 1. A Snapshot of Hangzhou Hangzhou has a history of over 2,200 years since the county administration was established here in the Qin Dynasty. It is one of the cradles of Huaxia (China) Civilization. As one of China’s seven ancient capitals, Hangzhou was the capital of Wuyue State (907-978 A.D.) of the Five-Dynasties and also the capital of the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279 A.D.). In the 13th century, the Italian traveler Marco Polo recommended Hangzhou as “the most splendid and luxurious city in the world”. Over the recent years, Hangzhou has won a wide range of national and even international honors. Among them are the UN-Habit Scroll of Honor Awards Winner, International Garden City, National Model Green City, the State Forest City, China Environmental and Habitat Scroll of Honor Awards Winner, Forbes Top Cities for Doing Business on the Chinese Mainland, China’s Happiest Cities, Best Investment Environment Cities of China (World Bank), A Famous Chinese City That Should be Introduced to the World, China’s Capital of E-Commerce, the Entrepreneurial City in China, Best Tourism City of China, China’s Top Ten Livable Cities, and China’ Top Ten Leisure Cities. In particular, Hangzhou was rated for six years in a row as Forbes Top Cities for Doing Business on the Chinese Mainland by America’s Forbes Magazine, and ranked NO.1 as China’s Happiest City by Oriental Outlook magazine for six consecutive years. 2. 西湖传说 相传,天河边住着一条玉龙和一只金凤。他们费尽心力,把一块石头啄磨成了一颗闪闪发光的明珠。王母娘娘羡慕这颗明珠的美丽,派人把它偷走了。玉龙、金凤发现后向王母娘娘索还,遭到拒绝。争执中,明珠从天上掉落,立即变成波光粼粼的一倾湖水。玉龙与金凤则变成了玉皇山和凤凰山,永远守护着这颗明珠。 2. West Lake Folklore: the Birth of Xihu (West Lake) Legend has it that there lived


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