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drop drop v. (-pp-) to fall or allow sth to fall by accident(意外地) 落下,掉下,使落下 e.g.小心别把盘子摔了。 Be careful not to drop that plate. 2. to become or make sth weaker, lower or less(使) 变弱,降低,减少 e.g.(1) 温度已大大降低。 The temperature has dropped considerably. (considerably adv. much; a lot非常;很;相当多地) (2) 她突然压低了声音。 She dropped her voice dramatically. n. 1. [c] a very small amount of liquid that forms a round shape滴,水珠 e.g. (1) 雨滴 drops of rain (2) 一滴血 a drop of blood 2. [c] ~(in sth) a fall or reduction in the amount, level or number of sth.下降;下跌;减少 e.g. 物价/温度下降 a drop in prices / temperature stretch stretch v. to make sth longer, wider or looser, for example, by pulling it; to become longer, etc. in this way. 拉长;拽宽;撑大;撑松 e.g. 这件毛衣给撑得变形了。 This sweater has stretched. 2. to put your arms or legs out straight and tighten your muscles伸展,舒展 e.g. 他伸了伸懒腰,打了个哈欠。 He stretched and yawned lazily. (yawn v. 打哈欠) n. [c, u] 伸展,舒展 e.g. 我们下车好好舒展了一下身体。 We got out of the car and had a good stretch. resistance resistance n. [u] ~(to sth) a force that stops sth moving or makes it move more slowly阻力 e.g. 低/高风阻 low / high wind resistance 2. [u] ~(to sb. / sth) dislike of or opposition to a plan, an idea, etc.; refusal to obey反对;抵制;抗拒 e.g. 这项新的法规已经遇到很多的抵制。 There has been a lot of resistance to this new law. 3. [u] ~(to sb. / sth) the act of using force to oppose sb. / sth抵抗,反抗 e.g. 武装反抗 armed resistance resist v. to refuse to accept sth and try to stop it from happening 抵制;阻挡 e.g. (1) 抵制变革 to resist change (2) 银行强烈反对降低利率。 The bank strongly resisted cutting interest rates. 2. to fight back when attacked; to use force to stop sth from happening反抗;回击;抵抗 e.g. 她被控拒捕。 She was charged with resisting arrest. 3. (usually in negative sentences) to stop yourself from having sth you like or doing sth you very much want to do忍住,抵挡 e.g. 他忍不住炫耀起了他的新车。 He couldn’t resist showing off his new



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