中职英语Unit 4 Postal service讲解.ppt

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China Post英[p??st]美[po?st] 中国邮政 Postal history in China 中国邮政历史 Stamp 英[st?mp]美[st?mp] 邮票 Modern stamps Postcard [’p??stkɑ:d]明信片 Express delivery FedEx联邦快递、 Express delivery FedEx联邦快递、DHL/tnt How many ways are there for posting the letters? What are they? It’s overweight. You’ll have to pay extra. 它超重了。 你得另付邮资。 I’d like to pick up my package. This is the notice. 我想要去取我的包裹。 这是通知单。 I’d like to insure this package for 50 US dollars.我想给这包裹保险50美元。 Focus on Talking Focus on Talking Activity 3: Complete the following conversations with the information given in the box. A: Excuse me. (1)_______to Tianjin? B: I’ll have to check. It’s four yuan. A: All right. I’d like to send this letter by airmail. B: O.K. (2)_______anything else? A: I’d like an 80-cent stamp, please. B: (3)________. A: Thank you. 1. ______ 2. ______ 3. ______ B C A A. Here you are B. How much is an airmail letter C. Can I help you with Focus on Talking Activity 3: Complete the following conversations with the information given in the box. A: Good morning. Could you tell me (4)________to send this package to Korea by (5)________? B: I have to weigh it first. What does it contain? A: Just contains some clothes. B: Do you want it insured? A: No thanks. How long will it take to get there? B: About 15 days. The postage is 80 Yuan. A: O.K. (6)________five airmail stamps. B: Here you are. It’s totally 100 yuan. A: Here you are. 4. ______ 5. ______ 6. ______ B A C A. regular mail B. how much it would cost C. I’d also like * 中国英语教师网 William and Kate’ Wedding. 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. There are basically three kinds of postcards– landscapes(风景), people, and animals. Express Delivery [iks’pres di’liv?ri] Find the English for the following pictures. mail car stamp postbox Christmas card post man magazine parcel translation 1. post office ______ 2. Express delivery ____ 3. hotel _______ 4. ticket ______ 5. luggage _______ 6. airport ______ 7. Check in _____ 8


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