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Unit6 复习课 I’m going to study computer science (谈谈生活的目标,一般将来时) 10. 写下/记下, 11. 与------有关, 12. 开始从事/着手处理/ 13. 几乎不, 14. 太而不能 15持续不断做某事 16. 与-------无关 17. 许诺/答应做某事 ·18. 来年 19. 身体健康 20. 吃药 21. 新年的决心 22. 吃更健康的食物 23. 组建足球队 24. 另一门外语 25. 在…开始时 26 下决心 27. 上表演课 28. 做一周的计划 29. 对于这个理由 30. 一点 1.What do you want to be when you grow up? 2.I want to be an engineer. 3.How are you going to do that? 4.I’m going to study math really hard. 5.Where are you going to work? 6.I’m going to move to Shanghai. 7.When are you going to start? 8. I’m going to start when I finish high school and college. 9.What do you do? /What are you? / What’s your job? (询问职业) Unit6检测 1.— My New Year’s resolution is to travel to Qingdao. — . A. That sounds great B. Sorry to hear that C. Sure 2.—Is she going to be actor? —Yes. She is taking lessons on weekends now. A. a, actor B. an, actor C. an, acting 3. —Where is Linda?— She may be at home. But I’m not sure_____ it. A. at B. about C. with 4. This is an important problem. Please . A. write it down B. write down it C. write it in 5. — does he want to be when he ? —He wants to be a computer programmer. A. What, grows up B. How, grows up 6. —What is a resolution?—It’s . A. a promise B. an action C. a message 7. the beginning of the term, my mother bought me a new schoolbag. A. With B. On C. At D. By 8.His resolution the life in the next year. A. has to do with B. is good at C. is next to D. cross from 9. You are coughing! You should take some . A. medicine B. meat C. hamburgers 10. I want to go to the movie tonight. But my parents don’t agree me A. with B. on C. at


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