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毕业设计说明书 企业文档管理系统 班 级: 学号: _ 学生姓名: 李启 _ 学 院: _ 专 业: _ 指导教师: _ 2016年 6 月 企业文档管理系统Enterprise Document Management System Abstract With the development of information processing technology and network technology, Document management system has gradually become an effective tool to improve office efficiency and cost savings. This article describes the establishment of enterprise document management system is to achieve the purpose of the document is stored and managed centrally, Which can ensure good storage security documents, improve security access level of the document, to achieve a good distribution of the document, inquiry and sharing, and improving the efficiency of document management, Ensure efficient use of the document. Implement document management, document management, mail management, personnel management and public information management. The paper is organized as follows: Firstly, analyzes the background of the system, meaning; secondly introduces the development tools and technology infrastructure related; then the system needs to be analyzed and put forward specific design and database models; then show the system realization of each function module; Finally, the software has been rigorously tested. Keywords: Document management, Detailed design, Functional modules 目 录 1 引言 1 1.1 开发背景 1 1.2 研究现状 1 1.3 本课题研究的意义 1 2相关理论基础 1 2.1 Myeclipse简介 2 2.2 Mysql简介 2 3需求分析及系统设计 3 3.1需求分析 3 3.2 业务分析 3 3.2.1 文档管理 3 3.2.2人事管理功能 3 3.2.3部门管理 3 3.2.4公文管理 4 3.2.5公共信息管理 4 3.2.6系统管理 4 3.2.7用户管理 4 3.2.8邮件管理 4 3.3数据库的设计与实现 4 3.3.1用户表User 4 3.3.2文档表Document 5 3.3.3部门表Department 5 3.3.4邮件表Mail 6 4 系统设计 7 4.1系统的整体设计与构思 7 4.2 模块的设定及模块的功能 7 4.2.1文档管理模块设计 7 4.2.2用户登录模块 8 4.2.3用户管理模块设计 8 4.2.4部门管理模块设计 9 4.2.5邮件管理模块设计 9 5 各功能模块的实现 10 5.1 公文管理模块 10 5.1.1 发布公文 10 5.1.2公文列表 11 5.1.3复制公文 11 5.1.4删除公文 12 5.2 用户登录模块 12


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