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Motorcade:汽车队 Lubavitch Hasidic sect’s grand rabbi:犹太教哈西典派(Hasidic)的主要领袖。Hasidim 希伯来语 “虔诚” “公正” Retaliation:报复 Synagogure:犹太教集会 Throng:人群 Holocaust:大规模毁灭 Melee:混战 The Body of the News Story News are usually divided into two parts: the lead and the body. The lead is the framework and tells what happened briefly The body supports the lead with facts in the diminishing order of importance. I. The format of news writing Inverted pyramid format: this format has no conclusion. It can be cut paragraph by paragraph from the bottom up without damaging the most important part of the news. A $45000 blaze destroyed a truck and its contents of lumber at a south Arlington warehouse early today. The Arlington FIRE Department reported that one fireman, Pvt.Albert R. Stutz, Suffered a foot injury in fighting the blaze at the Morgan Millwork Co,.521S. 15th St., just before 6 a.m. The fire caused considerable smoke and soot damage to the finished lumber stored in the warehouse. The truck that was destroyed was backed up to a loading dock inside the building. Fire officials said they were investigating the cause of the blaze which erupted before the firm’s employees arrived for work. Four paragraphs The first paragraph is a summary lead The next three paragraphs support the lead with facts carefully arranged in a diminishing order of importance: ---injury to the fireman in the second paragraph, ---damage to the warehouse in the third paragraph ---investigation of the accident in the final paragraph. The inverted pyramid form is widely used because of its special features. a. The important points were placed at the beginning of the news. Readers can easily find its central contents. b. If the author wants to delete any unnecessary messages, deleting the end of the passage. c. Convenient to making the headline. Because the journalist can find the key words from the first or second paragraph. 2. Lead-plus-equal-facts format: summary lead is followed by paragraphs containin


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