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郑州科技学院 毕业设计(论文) 题 目: 浅谈市场营销与企业发展 学生姓名: WYK 专业班级: XXXX 学 号: XXXXX 所 在 系: 工商管理系 指导教师: XXXXX 完成时间: 2012年 X月XX日 浅析市场营销与企业发展 摘 要 随着新世纪的到来,全球经济的显著特征就是企业朝多元化、一体化发展,在发展的同时,改革与创新也不断的深入,其涉足的领域更广,竞争更为激烈。在瞬息万变的市场经济中,繁荣与衰败、取胜与出局,更换交替,不断轮回,其间唯一不变的活跃因素便是营销。因为不管市场经济如何推动企业发展,企业自身的营销理念才是生存之本,它决定一切,主宰企业兴衰。注重营销,注重用户的需要,注重与其他企业的协调发展,注重企业整体形象与整体素质,已成为新世纪的企业求生存、谋发展。营销适用于一切企业,营销战略利用有限的资源,挖掘最大的潜力,创造无尽的价值。新型市场营销模式经过不断的实践总结及发展演变,已受到广泛的认可和重视。根据其特性和规律,制定市场操作规范,完善运营机制,重点围绕发挥企业自身优势,激发营销队伍的创造性来开展科学营销,牢固树立市场决定一切的经营观念。 关键词 营销/ 战略/市场 SHALLOW MARKERING AND BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT ABSTRACT With the advent of the new century, the global economy is the salient features of the enterprise towards diversification, integration development, at the same time as development, reform and innovation also unceasingly thorough, its set foot in the field a wider, more intense competition. In a fast-changing market economy, prosperity and decline, win and outs, replace alternant, constantly metempsychosis, meanwhile the only constant active factors is marketing. Because no matter how to promote the enterprise market economy development, enterprises marketing idea is survival book, it decides everything, dominate the prosperity of the enterprise. Pay attention to marketing, pay attention to the needs of users, the attention and the other enterprise coordinated development, pay attention to enterprise overall image and the overall quality, has become the new century enterprise survival, seek development. Marketing applies to all enterprises, marketing strategy use of the limited resources, mining maximum potential, create endless value. New marketing mode through continuous practice summarizing and development evolution, has been widely accepted and attention. According to its characteristics and regularity, stipulating market operatio


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