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* * UNIT 5 ORDERS AND FULFILLMENT OF ORDERS Specimen Letters 1 Making A Trial Order 1. illustrated adj. 带图解的 We are very pleased to receive your enquiry of 15th January and enclose our illustrated catalogue and price list giving the details you ask for. 我们非常高兴的收到你方1月15日的询盘,并随函寄去带图解的商品目录和价目单以向你提供所需详情。 2. enclose v. put sth. in an envelope, parcel, etc. 随附 enclosure n. 附件 We are enclosing herewith our commercial invoices in duplicate. 随函附寄商业发票一式两份。 Enclosed are our commercial invoices in duplicate. 随函附寄商业发票一式两份。 Enclosed please find our commercial invoices in duplicate. 随函附寄商业发票一式两份。 3. trial order 试销订单 duplicate order 重复订单 initial order 初次订单repeat order 重复订单 4. satisfied (with) adj. 对……感到满意 We very much regret to learn from your letter of 2nd May that you are not satisfied with the dress materials supplied to your order No. 87. 我们非常遗憾从你方5月2日的信中得知,你对供应给第87号订单的布料不满意。 5. customs authority 海关当局 6. shipping instructions 装运须知,是买方发给卖方的装运须知。 辨析:shipping advice指装船通知,是卖方在FOB、CFR价格术语条件下,完成装货后,发给买方的通知,以便买方能及时安排保险。 7. observe v. pay attention to (rules) 遵守 You must be aware that the terms and conditions of a contract once signed should be strictly observed, failure to abide by them will mean violation of contract. 你必须知道,一旦合同签署,合同的条款和条件就必须遵守,不遵守就意味着违约。 8. standing n. position or reputation地位,身份,名誉,名望 credit standing 资信状况 financial standing 财务状况 9. Chamber of Commerce 商会 Specimen Letters 2 Enclosing an Order Form 1. inform v. give knowledge to 通知 (1) inform sb. of / about sth. 通知某人某事 Please inform us of the market situation on your side. 请告知你方的市场状况。 (2) inform sb. that…通知某人… We wish to inform you that business has been done at $200 per metric ton. 现通知你方以每公吨200美元的价格成交。 (3) Please be informed that兹通知你方 Please be informed that we are an importing company with a good reputation.兹告知你方,我公司是一家拥有良好声誉的进口公司。 (4) keep sb. informed of/ that随时告知 We hope you will keep us informed of the market condition at your end. 希望你方随时告知你方的市场状况。 2. herewith adv.


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