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Directions: Allied Leaders of WWII - Foldable Step 6: Title – Allied leaders of WWII (small one inch fold) Step 7: On the other 6 flaps include the following leaders: Neville Chamberlain Winston Churchill Franklin Roosevelt Harry Truman Charles de Gaulle Dwight Eisenhower Douglas MacArthur Joseph Stalin Step 8: On the inside of each flaps write about each leader. Make sure you include the following information about each: What title did they have? (President, Emperor, General) What country did they identify with? What kind of leaders were they? Give details (Ruthless, Kind, Strong) What were their goals when dealing with WWII? And were they able to achieve them. What were a few of their accomplishments Allied Leaders WWII Neville Chamberlain Prime Minister of Britain in 1937-1939 Believed in Appeasement – give in Did not want to cause another war and felt that Germany had fair grievance against the Treaty of Versailles Met with Hitler at the Munich Conference in Germany and signed the Munich Agreement Germany promised to only take part of Czechoslovakia = Sudetenland but took more Most people of England agreed with him. Until….. 1939 Hitler takes Poland. Great Britain declares war but too late Chamberlin in not reelected Winston Churchill Prime Minister of Britain 1940 Took an aggressive stand against Hitler Bull dog against Nazism Did not agree with appeasement and had warned against it early on. Did not break even though Britain was fighting Germany alone at the start of WWII. Very involved in military Used the Royal Air force, Commando units, radar to fight the Nazis Able to keep Germany out even after a year of bombing Worked to gain other allies like the U.S. Charles de Gualle In the 1930’s he warned France against Germany but no one listened He was named Brigadier General After the loss at the battle of Dunkirk. Germany captures France and created Vichy France in 1940 Does not accept the defeat and flees to London In exile he leads the French Free State


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