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Defining US: The American Experience FCPS Teaching American History Grant LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE Subject: Revolutionary War Grade: 6 Prepared by: Julie Roe School: Great Falls Elementary Title: Bossy Britain Upsets Colonists Instructional Time: five class periods PART I.-CONTEXT Essential Learning: Students will examine the causes of dissatisfaction that led to the American Revolution 2. Virginia Standards of Learning: USI.1 The student will develop skills for historical and geographical analysis, including the ability to: identify and interpret primary and secondary source documents to increase understanding of events and life in United States history to 1877; interpret ideas and events from different historical perspectives; evaluate and discuss issues orally and in writing; USI.6 The student will demonstrate knowledge of the causes and results of the American Revolution by: a. identifying the issues of dissatisfaction that led to the American Revolution; d. describing key events 3. Fairfax County Program of Studies: Benchmark 6.1.1: Students acquire historical knowledge and understanding of the growth of the United States as a nation, from the Age of Exploration through Reconstruction Benchmark 6.9.1: Students analyze different perspectives on significant issues in American history National History Standard Historical Comprehension: Students will learn the causes of dissatisfaction leading to the American Revolution as the daily lessons are presented to them. Formulate questions to focus inquiry or analysis: Students will be asked questions which will help them to understand events, pictures, or ideas. Compare and contrast sets of ideas, values, etc: Students will use Venn diagrams, cause and effect charts, and sequence charts to separate ideas. Use visual data from photographs , paintings, cartoons, and architectural drawings: Students will look at cartoons and an engraving to gather info. Learning S



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