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Jawarlal Nehru Ally of Gandhi. 1st Prime Minister of India, 1947-1964. Advocated Industrialization. Promoted “Green Revolution”. Mixed Economy. Nonaligned Movement. Nehru’s daughter. Prime Minister of India, 1966-1984. Continues Nehru’s policies. Faced corruption charges internal rebellion. Assassinated in 1984. Indira’s son. Prime Minister of India, 1984-1989. Some reform of economy and government. Also faced rebellion. Assassinated in 1991 while campaigning. Led briefly by Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Prime Minister Ayub Khan. Dangerous combination Was not prepared to rule in 1948. Strong Islamic fundamentalism. Impoverished. Pakistan divides in 1972 W. Pakistan = Pakistan E. Pakistan = Bangladesh First Woman Prime Minister, 1988 Ousted in 1990, 1993 on corruption charges. Nawaz Sharif Ousted three times. Struggle between modernizers and fundamentalists. Indian Soldiers Patrol the India-Pakistan Border in Pura, the Winter Capital of the State of Jammu Kashmir - 1998 Supporters of former Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee chant nationalist slogans in support for his nuclear policy - 1998 Former Indian Prime Minister, Atal Bihari Vajpayee, displays a sword given to him by Sikh youths in New Delhi to honor him for making India a nuclear power - 1998 Right-wing Pakistani Activists Burn Indian Flag to Protest Indian Nuclear Tests - 1998 Hot Air Balloon Protesting India Pakistan’s nuclear testing - 1998 India Displays Nuclear Missiles During “Republic Day,” - 2002 India Successfully Tested Agni Missiles - 2002 Musharraf and Vajpayee at a meeting on nuclear issues in Nepal in 2002 1971 India-Pakistan War Mrs. Gandhi with her troops 2002 Military Statistics Kashmir Crisis Indian Soldiers Near the Pakistani Border - 2001 A Pakistani Ranger at the Indian-Pakistani Joint Border Check Post in Wagha, India - 2001 Anti-war Protestors in Karachi, Pakistan - 2001 Kashmiri Militants - 2003 What title would you give this political cartoon? The India-Pakistan Arms Race Hea



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