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Napoleon Nationalism Rise of Napoleon 1. Saves Government from uprising 2. Seen as a National Hero with victories in Europe 3. Coup de Tat in 1799 over Directory 4. Plebiscite (vote of people) for a New Constitution 5. Napoleon had all real power Napoleon’s Actions 1. Fairer Taxes 2. Stopped corruption in government with Lycees 3. Concordat with Pope / Clergy gained more power 4. Napoleonic Code (code of laws) 5. 1804 becomes Emperor 6. Not content as Emperor of France, wants to control Europe Napoleon Creates an Empire 1807-1812 After becoming emperor of France, Napoleon looks to expand France’s empire in Europe Napoleon had unpredictable strategies that crushed opposition Lost only one major battle to British, Battle of Trafalgar (Horatio Nelson) 1812- greatest extent of Napoleon’s empire (only lasted 5 years) Napoleon Empire Collapses 3 Costly Mistakes The Continental System (blockade) Peninsular War (Guerillas) Invasion of Russia (Scorched Earth Policy) Napoleon Empire Collapses 1815 Napoleon is defeated at battle of Liepzig (sent to Elba) The Hundred Days and the Battle of Waterloo Sent to St. Helena (died in 1821) Legacy of Napoleon ??? Congress of Vienna European Leaders meet to bring peace and stability to Europe Klemens von Metternich of Austria, most influential leader Has 3 Goals Containment of France Balance of Power Legitimacy Congress of Vienna Legacy Victory for Monarchies / (France and Great Britain only Constitutional Monarchies) Nations afraid of Revolutions Holy Alliance (Russia, Austria, Prussia) Concert of Europe (not a success) Values of French Revolution eventually spread throughout Europe Latin American Independence Haiti, first territory to free itself from European rule Toussaint L’Ouverture begins movement for indepencence Independence achieved under Jean-Jacques Dessalines Latin American Society Peninsulares- men born in Spain Creoles- Spaniards born in Latin America Mestizo’s- persons of European/Indi


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