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* * * * * Microbiology – Chapter 1 Alexander Fleming - Scottish physician and bacteriologist - 1928 Observed mold growing on a bacteria culture, there was a ring of clearing around the mold where the bacteria didn’t grow, the mold was later found to be a Penicillium species and the naturally secreted chemical was called penicillin, an antibiotic 1. Antibiotics are natural agents 2. Synthetic drugs are chemicals produced in labs (sulfas) 3. Problems with them - toxicity, resistance, allergic reactions 4. Fleming’s work - shelved until early WWII, sulfas were failing, needed penicillin to cure battle field wounds 5. Now have thousands of antibiotics and synthetics (and a significant problem – resistance) Flemming and Penicillium Microbiology – Chapter 1 Salk - Polio vaccine, 1950’s polio was a scary epidemic, Salk developed a vaccine by treating the virus with formalin (IPV) inactivated polio virus Sabin 1963 live Polio virus vaccine, attenuated –altered virus, OPV-oral polio vaccine The work done on polio revolutionized the science of virology and we are seeing the results today in advances with Hepatitis and HIV viral infections - tissue culture and other techniques Avery and Macleod, DNA is genetic material Watson and Crick, DNA, 1953 DNA Double helix Double Helix Salk; IPV Sabin, OPV Microbiology – Chapter 1 Jacob and Monod – 1965 Did research on RNA and protein synthesis in bacteria - last necessary step in understanding how genetics works on a cellular level (Replication, Transcription, Translation – protein synthesis – expression of traits) Modern science thrives today only on the laid foundation of thousands of men and women who did mundane routine and often boring lab science. Don’t forget that we are here today because we stand on the shoulders of Giants – who were people just like you and me. (Who are the Giants today? CDC, USAMRID, young Joe or Mary the graduate student?, maybe you?) Microbiology – Chapter 1 Microbiology – Chapter 1 Classification, Taxon


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