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The Cold War, 1945-1990 U.S. and Soviet Union – two superpowers of the post-WWII era: Central concern of the West: Sino-Soviet alliance: Scholars do not agree on why the Cold War ended: The Cold War, 1945-1990 Key events: Korean War Vietnam War Afghanistan War Many other proxy wars… Greek Civil War, 1946-1949 Malaysian Emergency, 1948-1960 Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1948-Present Korean War, 1950-1953 Cuban Revolution, 1953-1959 Tibetan insurgency, 1954-1973 Vietnam War, 1957-1975 Guatemalan Civil War, 1960-1996 Congo Crisis, 1960-1965 Bay of Pigs Invasion, 1961 Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962 Angolan Civil War, 1974-2002 Ogaden War,1977-1978 Afghan-Soviet War, 1979-1989 Iran Hostage Crisis, 1979 Iran-Iraq war, 1980-1988 Invasion of Grenada, 1983 The Post-Cold War Era, 1990-2007 Many key events… Iraq invades Kuwait, 1990 ? Gulf War Collapse of Soviet Union ? Declaration of republics as sovereign states Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) Western relations with Russia mixed since the 1990s Little external aid for Russia during the harsh economic transition Break-up of the former Yugoslavia Rwanda genocide US “go it alone” policies 9/11 attacks War on Terrorism: Iraq and Afghanistan Nuke problems w/ Iran and N. Korea * Notes are here. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The Globalization of International Relations CHAPTER ONE Dr. Clayton Thyne PS 235-001: World Politics Spring 2010 Goldstein Pevehouse, International Relations, 8/e Student notes version The Study of International Relations International relations concerns… Narrowly defined: Many other actors exist – … Relationships cannot be understood... Central trend in IR today: IR and Daily Life IR profoundly affects your life as well as that of other citizens. War is among the most pervasive international influences in daily life, even in peacetime. World is shrinking year by year. Core Principles IR revolves around one key problem: How can a group – such as


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