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安全要求Safety requirements 1.联调小组联调前必须组织一次安全会议来强调安全问题,要确保所有参与方在试验开始之前对大纲有充分理解。严格执行WFT公司的安全规范。 The Commissioning Team must conduct a pre-commissioning safety meeting to address all safety issues, and to ensure that all participants have a complete understanding of the scope of the procedure before starting any commissioning test. WFT Safety Policies will be strictly followed. 2.在试验过程中所有无关人员必须撤离试验现场。All non-essential personnel must stay clear of the test location for the duration of the commissioning procedures. 3.检验所有安全绳索和卸扣已经根据WFT公司的健康安全环境手册合理设定并安装。 Verify that all safety lines and shackles are properly rated and installed according to WFT HSE Manual. 4.所有参加联调试验的人员穿戴应符合WFT公司的健康安全环境手册所规定。 All commissioning personnel must wear all the PPE required as outlined in WFT HSE Manual. 5.所有参与方必须意识到试验的所有阶段都存在潜在的环境隐患。确保采取防范措施来降低任何存在的潜在环境隐患。 All participants shall be aware of potential environmental hazards during all phases of the procedure. Ensure that proper precautions are taken to minimize the impact of any environmental hazard encountered. 6.在试验过程中,当试验存在危险或将要发生危险时,试验组的成员在任何时间都可以叫停试验。 Any member of the test team may stop the testing at any point should danger to personnel, the environment, or equipment exist or may arise during the test 7.WFT应给联调组的提供至少两部(一部给用户或用户代表方一部给WFT)便携式无线电通讯设备,以便小组与司钻/操作人员联系,并对泥浆泵或其他任何远程控制设备的试验进行指导。 WFT will supply at least two set of portable hand wireless radios for communication between the Team Leaders (one Customer or customer representative one WFT) and the driller / operator to give directions for controlling the mud pump or any other remote controlled device. 文件用语的约定Document onventions “说明”、和警告用于给阅读者提供额外信息或者告知存在潜在伤害或致命情形,也可能告知采取必要的安全措施来保护设备和人员不受损失和伤害。 Notes, Cautions, and Warnings are used to provide readers with additional information and inform the reader to take a specific action to protect personnel from potentially injurious or lethal conditions. They may also inform the reader of an action necessary to protect equipment from damage. 注:表示当


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