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Translationese 翻译腔 The syndromes of tranalationese Translationese 1:Use the translation of words in dictionary blindly照搬英汉词典是释义 Use the translation of words in dictionary blindly I believed then that I would die there,and I saw with a terrible clarity the things of the valley below. 原译:这时我觉得我要死在那儿了,而且清晰得可怕地看见了下面山谷里的景物。 改译:这时我觉得我要死在那儿了,而下面山谷里的景致却看得异常清晰 Example It is not so much the actual population of the world but its rate of increase which is impotrant. 原译:重要的不在于当今世界人口之多,而在于其增长率 改译:值得重视的倒不是世界人口的现状,而是其增长率。 I hate jogging. 原译:我讨厌慢跑 改译:我讨厌跑步 Canada has Prime Minister( in addition to the Governor-General)…… 原译:加大那有一个“首相”(除了英国领地的总督外)…… 改译:加拿大有总理(除了总督之外)…… Translationese 2. Translate the founction words directly and blindly If we translate the founction words (conjunction, preposition and pronoun) directly and blindly,the result is ———— 当当作响(when) 的的不休(定语) 和和不停(and) 它它不绝(pronoun) 被被层叠(passive voice) 当当作响 Helen was relieved when she went back home and saw the diamond still locked in the safe. 原译:当海伦回到家看见和看到那颗钻石仍然锁在保险柜的时候,她放了心。 改译:海伦回到家里,看见那颗钻石仍然锁在保险柜里,就放心了。 当当作响 He says he hasnt got any money when in fact hes got thousands of dollars in his account. 原译:他说他没钱当事实上他的账户中有几千美元的时候。 改译:他说他没钱,然而事实上他的账户有几千美元。 When I told him what I had just done and why, his weathered face slowly changed. 译文:当我把刚才做的事情告诉他并解释原因时,他那饱经风霜的脸慢慢地变了。 修改:我把刚才做的事情告诉他并作了解释,他饱经风霜的脸上,脸色慢慢地变了。 When he saw me, he was startled. 他看见我,吓了一大跳。 He walked when he might have taken a car. 尽管他可以乘汽车去的,他还是步行了 I had no idea about it, until you told me. 在你告诉我之前,我对此一无所知。 和和不停(and) He started to shout and sing. 原译:他开始喊叫和唱歌。 改译:他开始大声喊唱。 He was so young that you must excuse him. 原译:他是如此年轻以至于你得原谅他。 改译:他那么年轻,你们还是原谅他吧。 它它不绝 Big powers have their strategies while small countries also have their own lines. 原译:大国有他们的战略,而小国也有他们的路线。 改译:大国有大国的战略,小国也有小国的路线。 Pronoun(它它不绝) The shopman offers a third(apple);but before biting it,you examine it,and find that it is hard and green,and you immediately say that you will no


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