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Ⅰ. 指出下列句子中黑体部分在句中作什么成分 1. Coming late for school is a bad habit. ( ) 2. We should aviod coming late for school. ( ) 3. The bad weather keeps the flight coming late. ( ) 4. The man standing there is Peter’s father. ( ) 5.The news is astonishing. ( ) 主语 宾语 定语 宾补 表语 【探究】 ◆Finding the camera stolen, the teacher asked the boy to the office.发现照相机被偷了,老师要求那个男孩去办公室。 =After he found the camera stolen, the teacher asked the boy to the office. ◆Hearing the news, he couldn’t help laughing. 听到这个消息,他情不自禁地笑了。 =When he heard the news, he couldn’t help laughing. 【运用】用两种方法翻译 朝窗外看,我看见一些孩子正在踢足球。 (现在分词作状语) (时间状语从句) Looking out of the window, I saw some children playing football. When I looked out of the window, I saw some children playing football. 时间状语 【探究】 ◆Not knowing the phone number, we can’t get in touch with him.由于不知道电话号码,我们不能和他 取得联系。 =Because we don’t know the phone number, we can’t get in touch with him. 【运用】完成句子并将其进行句型转换 , the boy stayed in the dormitory.由于得了重病,那个男孩呆在宿舍里。 = Because he was badly ill, the boy stayed in the dormitory. 原因状语 Being badly ill 【探究】 ◆His father died, leaving the family worse off. 他父亲死了,结果这个家更穷了。 =His father died, which left the family worse off. ※区别于不定式作结果状语 ◆I arrived at the bus stop, only to find the bus had gone.我到达公共汽车站,结果发现车已经走了。 【运用】翻译下列句子 ①昨晚发生了一起交通事故,死了四个人。 ②我到达教室,结果发现汤姆已经离开了。


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