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经管11班——叶雅芬、吴灵、陶昕、陈露露 联合制作! Bribery in business (商业贿赂) 点击添加文本 点击添加文本 点击添加文本 点击添加文本 Case study by (陶昕) The types of bribery by (吴灵) What is bribery by (叶雅芬) The dangerous and the punishments by (陈露露) Part1 Part2 Part3 Part4 CONTENT Bribery is the action of giving money, gifts or other forms of recompense to a recipient in exchange for an alteration of their behavior 商业贿赂是指经营者以排斥竞争对手为目的,为使自己在销售或购买商品或提供服务等业务活动中获得利益,而采取的向交易相对人及其职员或其代理人提供或许诺提供某种利益,从而实现交易的不正当竞争的行为 BRIBERY involves two parties, not one. 贿赂是双方的,而不是单方的。 Lambasting officials in poor countries for their sticky fingers is easier (and less open to legal challenge) than investigating the outsiders who suborn them. 在贫穷的国家,猛烈抨击公职人员顺手牵羊的毛病要比调查收买了他们的外部人员容易(并且面临更少的法律挑战)。 On November 2nd Transparency International (TI), a Berlin-based campaigning group, published its?Bribe Payers Index. 11月2日透明国际(TI,一个总部位于柏林的活动组织)公布了其行贿者指数。 Based on questions to 3,000 businessmen, this ranks 28 countries (accounting for 80% of global trade and investment) by the perceived likelihood of their companies paying bribes when doing business abroad.? 基于对三千名商人的问询,根据他们对其公司在国外做生意过程中行贿的意识可能性,对28个国家(占全球贸易和投资份额的80%)进行排名。 Construction and industries involving government contracts, unsurprisingly, were the dirtiest. 毫不出奇地,建造业以及包含政府合同的行业是最龌龊的。 This index shows a different side of bribery from?TIs Corruption Perceptions Index, which focuses on corruption in the public sector. Putting them together, there is a strong correlation between corruption in the public and private sectors. TI的清廉指数专注于公共部门的腐败,与之不同,这个指数展示了贿赂的另一面。把它们放在一起可以看出,公共和私营部门中腐败现象存在很强的相关性。 The types of bribery Bribery , a form of corruption , is an act implying money or gift given that alters the behavior of the recipient . Bribery in bureaucracy has been viewed as a reason for the higher cost of production of goods and services Bribery in bureaucracy has been viewed as a reason for the higher cost of prod


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