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* Zhuangzi 莊子 between 399-295 B.C.) The Figure of Chuang Tzu 莊子 Generally believed to be around 369-286 BCE The only account of his life is a brief sketch Sima Qians Records of the Grand Historian, where he is described as a minor official from the town of Meng (in modern Anhui) in the state of Song, living in the time of King Hui of Liang and King Xuan of Qi (late 4th century BC).尝为蒙漆园吏,与梁惠王、齐宣王同时 Book becomes known as the “Classic Book of Genuine Southern Culture” 南华真经 The Book of Zhuangzi 33 chapters: Inner Chapters (7); Outer Chapters (15); Mixed Chapters (11). According to Guo Xiang郭象, the “Inner Chapters” were written by Zhuangzi, the “Outer Chapters” written by his disciples, and the “Mixed Chapters” by other hands. Zhuangzi in English translation 1881 Frederic Henry Balfour 1889 Herbert A. Giles 1891 James Legge 1933 Fung Yu-lan 1939 Arthur Waley 1963 James Ware 1964 Burton Watson 1965 Thomas Merton 1974 Gia-fu Feng and Jane English 1981 A.C. Graham Giles Legge Fung Zhuangzi’s dao 夫道,有情有信,无為无形;可傳而不可受,可得而不可見;自本自根,未有天地,自古以固存… (6. 大宗师) Dao has its reality and its signs but is without action or form. You can hand it down but you cannot receive it; you can get it but you cannot see it. It is its own source, its own root. Before tian and earth existed it was there, firm from ancient times. It gave spirituality to the spirits and to God…” (ch. 6) Zhuangzi’s Model: the True Man “Godlike” qualities Unaffected by life and death 不知說生,不知惡死 Emotional equanimity登高不栗,入水不濡,入火不熱 “A mind like a mirror” 以心齊物 用心若鏡 “Sitting in forgetfulness”墮肢體,黜聰明,離形去知,同於大通,此謂‘坐忘’ “The Fasting of the mind” 心齋:無聽之以耳而聽之以心;無聽之以心而聽之以氣。聽止於耳,心止于符。氣也者,虛而待物者也。唯道集虛。虛者,心齋也。” Zhuangzi’s Model …古之真人,不知說生,不知惡死;其出不訢,其入不距;翛然而往,翛然而來而已矣.不忘其始,不求其所終;受而喜之,忘而復之,是之謂不以心捐道,不以人助天.是之謂真人… (6.大宗師) …The True Man of ancient times knew nothing of loving life, knew nothing of hating death. He emerged without delight; he went back in without a fuss. He came briskly, he went briskly, and that was a


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