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摘 要 本设计是对给定的产品图进行冲压模具设计。冲压工序的选择是经查阅相关资料和对产品形状仔细分析的基础上进行的;冲压模具的选择是在综合考虑了经济性、零件的冲压工艺性以及复杂程度等诸多因素的基础上进行的;产品毛坯展开尺寸的计算是在方便计算但不影响模具成型的前提下简化为所熟悉的模型进行的。文中还对冲压模具成型零件和其他相关零件的选择原则及选择方法进行了说明。冲压件的设计首先要从冲压生产工艺上对所要设计的密封垫罩进行冲压工艺的分析与计算,然后在分析计算的基础上并参看相关的冲压设计资料确定冲压工艺方案,再在此基础上确定各工序的复合关系后,再进入冲模各具体结构的设计。在此基础上对各副冲压模具的主要零部件的尺寸进行设计与计算,期间要参考大量与冲压相关的资料和翻阅各种《冲压手册》,并通过计算以确定各副模具具体的结构及尺寸,通过不断的计算与修改,并在指导老师的悉心关怀和耐心指导下进行不间断的反复修改,最终确定画出了三副装配图和10副零件图。通过这次毕业设计使我了解和掌握了许多实际的东西,结合我在生产实习中所看所想的一些东西,有了自己的一些收获。在此特别感谢学院,学校各位老师给我的这次机会和悉心指导。 【关键词】冲压工序、冲压模具、毛坯展开尺寸、总布置与校核。 Abstract This project is a press die design based on the original product. The election of press process is based on consulting correlation datum and analyzing the form of manufactured product meticulous; The election of press die is based on synthesis considerations on economical efficiency、the processing property of part and complex degree iso many factors; Calculating the work blank of manufactured product unfold dimension is lined feed on the premise of calculation convenience but without contribution die confectioning simplified frequent application cast. In the text ,to introduce the election principle and means of press confectioning art and miscellaneous rapport part, otherwise also introducing calculation means on the work blank form of many kinds of product unfold dimension and simplified cast, and the means of looking up on the reference books of designing press die . Only for a pole box press the piece of the design want first from hurtled to press to produce the craft to carry on to a pole of limit box that I want to design hurtled to press the craft of analysis and calculation, then on the analytical and calculating foundation also see also relatedly hurtled to press to design the data assurance to hurtle to press the craft project, again after this foundation up made sure the compound relation of each work preface, then enter blunt the mold is each the design of the concrete structor,On this foundation to main parts of each


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