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电能收集充电器 学 院: 专 业(方 向): 年 级、班 级: 学 生 学 号: 学 生 姓 名: 指 导 老 师: 2016 年 月 日 摘 要 本设计可实现在输入电压、输入电流较小或较大的情况下高效收集电能对蓄电池或干电池完成充电。该充电器分为升压电路、降压电路和控制电路、显示电路四部分,控制电路中由继电器及集成运算放大器LM358完成电路变换。升压电路主要采用MC34063芯片,降压电路主要采用MC34063芯片,控制电路中使用LM358芯片决定继电器两端电压,从而决定继电器中开关的转换,决定降压电路、升压电路的工作状态。显示电路利用单片机AT89C52与模数转换芯片TLC549,能够测量0-5V之间的直流电压值,四位数码显示。控制电路无需外加辅助电源而能自供电,从而实现在某一连续电压变换中进行持续充电。此充电器充电效率高,而且因为系统由分立元件搭建,成本很低。 【关键字】:LM358;MC34063;AT89C52;TLC549;电路变换 Abstract This design can realize the input voltage, input current is smaller or big collection of electrical energy efficient battery/dry finish charge. The charger points booster circuit, step-down circuit and control circuit, four parts show circuit, control circuit by relay and the integrated operational amplifier LM358 complete circuit transformation. Mainly by using Mc34063 booster circuit chip, step-down voltage circuit mainly adopts the Mc34063 chip, control circuit used in road LM358 chip decided to relay voltage at both ends, and decided to relay the conversion switch, decided to buck circuit, boost work condition of the circuit. Show circuit AT89C52 SCM and modulus of conversion chip TLC549, able to measure the 0-5 V dc voltage value between, four digital display. Control circuit without plus auxiliary power from the power supply and can. So as to achieve in a continuous voltage transform can achieve sustained in charge. The charger charging high efficiency, and because the system set up by division element, cost is very low. 【Key Words】 LM358; MC34063; AT89C52;TLC549; circuit transformation 目录 1绪论 1 1.1 引言 1 1.2 选题简介、意义与背景 2 1.3 系统功能指标 2 2 系统结构设计 5 2.1 主要设计内容 5 2.2 设计思想 5 2.3 系统结构 7 3 系统升压电路、降压电路设计 9 3.1 芯片简介 9 3.2升压充电模块 11 3.3降压充


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