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Mac OS X is a line of partially proprietary graphical operating systems developed, marketed, and sold by Apple Inc., the latest of which is pre-loaded on all currently shipping Macintosh computers. Mac OS X是一个部分专有的图形操作系统通过苹果公司开发,市场化及销售。必威体育精装版版本预先装在目前所有航运Macintosh电脑中。 Mac OS X is the successor to the original Mac OS, which had been Apples primary operating system since 1984. Mac OS X是原Mac OS操作系统的传承者,自1984年以来成为苹果主要的操作系统。 Unlike its predecessor, Mac OS X is a UNIX operating system built on technology that had been developed at NeXT through the second half of the 1980s and up until Apple purchased the company in early 1997. 与它的前身不同的是,Mac OS X是一个建立在技术上的UNIX操作系统在NeXT发展度过了80年代后半期,直到1997年初苹果公司购买了该公司。 The operating system was first released in 1999 as Mac OS X Server 1.0, with a desktop-oriented version (Mac OS X v10.0) following in March 2001. 该操作系统是在1999年首次以Mac OS X Server 1.0发行,一个面向桌面的版本(Mac OS X的10.0)在2001年3月随之而来。 Since then, six more distinct client and server editions of Mac OS X have been released, the most recent being Mac OS X v10.6, which was first made available on August 28, 2009. 从那时起,六个独特的“客户”和“服务器”的Mac OS X的版本已经发布,必威体育精装版的是Mac OS X v10.6,在2009年8月28日首次可用。 Releases of Mac OS X are named after big cats; the current version of Mac OS X is Snow Leopard. Mac OS X的版本是以大型猫科动物的名字命名的,Mac OS X的必威体育精装版版本是“雪豹”。 Older operating systems which are still used in Niche markets include OS/2 from IBM and Microsoft; 旧的操作系统仍然使用在利基市场中包括IBM和微软的OS/2; Mac OS, the non-Unix precursor to Apples Mac OS X; BeOS; XTS-300. 在非Unix先驱苹果的Mac OS X的Mac操作系统; BeOS的; XTS - 300。 Some, most notably Haiku, RISC OS, Morph OS and Amiga OS 4 continue to be developed as minority platforms for enthusiast communities and specialist applications. Mac OS是苹果Mac OS X; BeOS; XTS-300的非Unix先导。有些,尤其是Haiku,RISC OS,MorphOS和AmigaOS 4继续作为少数为发烧友和专业应用开发的平台。 Open VMS formerly from DEC, is still under active development by Hewlett-Packard. Yet other operating systems are used almost exclusively in academia, for operating systems


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