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10. Neither medicine nor rest can help him. 药物和休息对他都无帮助。 neither 表示“两者都不”; 常用词组:neither…nor 既不……也不,谓语动词跟最近的主语一致 e.g. Neither he nor I am from Beijing. 他和我都不在北京。 both, either neither ★neither表示“两者都不”, 作主语时,谓语动词常用单数形式。 e.g. Neither of his parents is a doctor. 他的父母都不是医生。 ★both表示“两者都”,作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。 e.g. Both of his parents are doctors. 他的父母都是医生。 ★either表示“两者中的任何一个”,作主语时,谓语动词常用单数形式。 e.g. Either of his parents is a doctor. 他的父母中有一个是医生。 【链接】 both ... and ... 连接主语时,谓语动词用复数形式;either ... or ... 与neither ... nor ... 连接主语时,谓语动词常与离它最近的主语在人称和数上保持一致。 e.g. Both my sister and my mother are teachers. Either Tom or I have to clean the room. Neither the twins nor John knows how to spell the word. 11. I’m always worried about losing my power. Many people are trying to take my position. 我总在担心失去我的权力。 很多人都想要取代我的位置。 1) be worried about =worry about 担心 e.g. We are all worried about my grandpa’s health. 我们总是担心我爷爷的健康。 2) take one’s position 取代某人的位置 同义词组:take one’s place e.g. He takes my position/place. 他取代了我的位置。 12. It’s true that I’m famous and everyone loves my songs. 我很有名气,每个人都喜欢我的歌曲,这是事实。 It’s+ adj. +that 从句 某事/做某事是怎样的 e.g. It is important that we all should attend the meeting. 重要的是我们每个人都应该参加这个会议。 13. I’m always worried about being followed by others. 我总是担心被人跟随。 be followed by 被跟随 e.g. Lightning was quickly followed by heavy thunder. 闪电过后,很快就是雷声滚滚(打雷跟在闪电之后) 14. …find a happy man in three day’s time. in three days’ time 3天的时间 in+时间段 在一段时间内,用于将来时 e.g. I will be back in three days. 我三天之内回来。 15.The general finds a happy person with power, money and fame. with 表示伴随,“带着……, 与…… 一起, 随着,有” ; 反义词: without 意思是“没有”。两个词的后面均可接名词或动名词。 e.g. He left without saying a word. 他一句话都没有说就走了。 16.How could he have missed scoring that goal? could have done 表示“过去本能够做某事但未做”,含责备意义。 e.g. How could he have been such a fool? 他怎么这么糊涂? How could she have forgotten what kind of man he was? 她怎么能忘记他是哪种人呢? 17.He was r


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