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When I was a boy in China Yanphou Lee Brief introduction of the writer Yanphou lee (李恩富) He was Chinese a member of “children sent to Us for studying” in the late Qing dynasty and graduated from Yale University. After graduation he devoted himself into striving for the benefits of Chinese labors in America. Chapter 1 Infancy How our Chinese people reckoned time 1、from the accessions of emperors 2、by cycles of sixty years each The fate of new-born baby 1、name 2、fortune telling How was our Chinese take care of their baby cloth、food… Traditional structure of our house Chapter 2 the house and household Everyone in China is in strict subjection to somebody children is suject to his parent or guardian the magistrate is considered the father of people he rules on women are subjected to their father or husband Obedience and respection Chapter Three Chinese Cookery How do Chinese do the housekeeping in ancient China? What’s the scene of market? What’s the scene of kitchen? How do Chinese observe the table manner? The interval between the two meals The way of residence after marriage Chapter Four games and pastimes Outdoor amusements kite-flying kicking the shuttlecock …… Indoor games cricket-fighting dominoes …… Chapter 5 GIRLS OF MY ACQUAINTANCE The chapter is mainly based on Lee’s daily observation of the female members of his family . Childhood In spite of the restraint all Chinese children are subject to , little boys and girls used to have good times together at that time . BRIEF INTRODUCTION Foot binding When between six and eight years age , all well-born Chinese misses have their feet bound . In Lee’s opinion ,it is a fashion they are obliged to follow . Studying Lee’s sisters are only allowed to study with boys before they were eleven or twelve , then they were thought too old to be left in the society of boys very much ,and couldn’t have access to studying any more . MY


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