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南方学院讲堂租借条 Venue Booking Regulations 南院讲堂只租借予注册社团、商号人士及公众人士, 作为开会、演出或讲座等用途。 Only registered organizations, trademarks or public citizens with purposes to hold meetings, performances or seminars are eligible for renting the venues in Southern College. 凡租借本院讲堂,一律以不防碍学生上课为原则。租借者必须承担租借期间一切费用, 包括冷气、 灯光、 音响设备、 清洁及服务等费用;若本校为联办或协办单位, 有关费用则平均分担。 Our students should not be disturbed during the period when the venues are being used by tenants. Besides, tenants are to bare the full amount of all relevant charges including air-conditioner, lightings, sound system, sanitary, etc. However, the college will share half of the charges if we are the co-organizer or joint organizer. 所有租借讲堂者必须于二星期前填写申请表格,并随同表格附上当天活动流程一份;经本院物产管理与庶务处核准后,须于一星期前前来物产管理与庶务处连同抵押金 (请参阅场地租借收费表)及所有费用一次过缴清。 Application in written form should be submitted to the Asset Management General Affairs Office two weeks in advance together with a completed application form and program schedule. Upon approval, full payment has to be made together with deposit (please refer to the details of the venue rate) one week in advance. 如有同日期租借本学院讲堂者,以申请公函或申请表格较先呈交至南院者得之。 In the case that there are more than one application requesting for the same venue on the same date, priority will be given to tenants whose application form first received by the college. 凡租借讲堂,不得涉及有伤风化及不健康之节目或政党、政治、宗教等集会、理念宣传或相关仪式等活动。 Tenants are strictly prohibited from holding events or performances that are offences against decency or morally unhealthy such as political or religious assemblies, ceremonies, etc. 讲堂内所有灯光及电器设备,一概由本院技术人员负责管理,租借者不得擅自移动灯光、电器及布幕等设备。 All lighting equipment and electrical appliances in the auditoriums should be run by technicians from our college. Tenants are not allowed to move any lighting, electrical appliances, curtains, etc. 租借讲堂者必须确保宾客之车辆停泊于适当地点,以免影响校园内交通之顺畅。 Tenants are to make sure that vehicles of your guests are properly parked in


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