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Often the lives of writers resemble/are similar to the lives of the characters they create. Mark Twain, was no exception. To start with/At first, the authors name, Mark Twain, is itself an invention, or pen name. Mark Twain, meaning watermark two, was a call used by sailors on the Mississippi to warn shipmates that they were coming into shallow water. Mark Twain led an adventurous life. He left school early, and as a youth, determined to make his fortune in South America, set off from his home in Hannibal, Missouri, for New Orleans. He wanted to take a boat to the Amazon, where/in which he thought he could get rich quickly. He arrived in New Orleans without a penny in his pocket, only to find that there were no boats for South America. Forced to change his plans, he worked for several years as a pilot on a steamboat, taking passengers up and down the Mississippi, the great river which flows from the north of the US near the Canadian border, down to the Gulf of Mexico. Later he became a/turned journalist and began writing stories about life on the river. Twains vivid and often amusing descriptions of life on the river quickly became popular, and established the reputation he still enjoys today as one of Americas greatest writers 1. By the light of the lightning, we saw something in the middle of the river ,suddenly. 借着闪电的光亮,突然我们看到河中间有东西。 2. It was quite dark, but I could see a man lying on the floor, tied up with rope.四周都很黑,但我能看见一个人被绳子捆着躺在地板上。 3. He sounds as if he’s going to die of fright! 听起来他就要被吓死了! 4. As they make their way down the river, they have a number of exciting adventures.随着他们顺河而下,他们经历了许多刺激的冒险。 5.We paddled over and climbed on to the steamboat, keeping as quiet as mice.我们把木筏伐了过去,蹑手蹑足地,象耗子一样悄无声息地爬上了气船。 6.To our astonishment/Much to our surprise, there was a light in one of the cabins.使我们大为惊讶的是,有间船舱里还亮着灯。 7.The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn is set in the USA in the mid-19th century.《哈克贝利芬》是以美国19世纪中期为背景的。 8.If you feel in the mood for somethin


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