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2011-05-28 10:26:36来源:携手论文网 作者:携手论文网 【大 中 小】 浏览:2421次 评论:0条
摘要: 钢琴教材是钢琴教学中的一个非常重要的内容,因为钢琴教材往往能够直接反映出它所承载的时代风貌、社会意识及文化特征。因此钢琴教材质量的高低将直接影响到高师钢琴教学的质量和水平,这样优秀钢琴教材的建设就显得尤为重要。 本文的主要内容包括于四个方面:即1.世界钢琴教材历史沿革及分析;2.我国高师钢琴教材历史沿革及特征;3.高师钢琴教材改革的必要性;4,高师钢琴教材建设的新建议。其中第一部分是对世界钢琴教育史上的教材沿革和发展作一简单总结和回顾。第二部分是对新中国成立后高等师范院校钢琴基础课教材建设的历史过程考察、特征分析和总体评价进行比较研究,借鉴已有教材和资料的优势,总结经验,吸取教训,为教材改革提供参考。第三部分是根据当前高师钢琴教学中存在的问题以及音乐教育发展的趋势,对高师钢琴教材和高师钢琴教学方法提出改革的建议,以实现其完善和发展。第四部分则是对于高师钢琴教材编写提出一些具体建议和要求。 钢琴教材的编写是一项庞大而系统的工作,远远不是一篇论文内容所能涵盖的,在此作者仅希望通过本文进行一些有益的尝试和探索,以期能为我国钢琴教材的建设工作做出一点有限的参考。 关键词:高师音乐教育、钢琴教材、沿革与发展。 Researeh on revolution and develoPment of Piano lesson coursebooks in China normal universities。 AbstraCt:The Pinao textbooks is an imPortnat contents in the nomral edueation. uusally Pass the Piano teaching material can dierctlye rfleet the gaes chaarcteristie,social consciousness and cultural characteristics that it load.The Piano teaching textbooks quantity of hihg and low will affect the quantiyt and levels of the hihg teaeher Pinao teaching direetyl,thereofre,the consturction of the exeellent Pinao teaching material seems to be veyr imPortant. This text contents is divided into four: Chpaterl was Pinao teaehing textbooks histoy origin and development of worid: Chpater 2 was our country normal edueation Pinao teaching texhtooks history origin and develoPment and characteristic; Chpater 3 was the necessity of the nomral education Pinao teaehing textbooks reform;ChaPter 4 was new suggestion of the nonrial education teaehing textbooks consturetion. It is a that the Plait write of the Pinao teaching texhtooks was a huge wokr of the systme,is not a thesis contents to can cover. Writer hoPe that avigorous dbeate and investigation on this subject can be conducted so to ensure the healthy develoPment Perefetion of Pinao teaching texhtooks in our couniyr. Keywords:nomral music education.piano teaehing texhtooks.origin and develoPment. 目录 引言