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Summer Training Course, 2008 American culture and American English 5.The most famous river: The Mississippi River (密西西比) 6. The largest lakes: The Great Lakes(大湖区) 7. The mountains: the Rocky Mountains(落基山脉) 8. 50 states 美國國旗是星條旗(the Star-Spangled Banner),旗面左上角為藍色星區,區內共有9排50顆白色五角星,以一排6顆、一排5顆交錯。星區以外是13道紅白相間的條紋。50顆星代表美國50個州,13道條紋代表最初北美13塊殖民地。紅色象征勇氣,白色象征自由,藍色則象征忠誠和正義。 The Grand Union Flag (also the Continental Colors, the Congress Flag, the Cambridge Flag, and the First Navy Ensign) is considered to be the first national flag of the United States. This flag consisted of 13 red and white stripes with the British Union Flag of the time in the canton. American Emblem 美国国徽 国徽正面图案的主要形象是象征美国的白头秃鹰--力量、勇气、自由和不朽的象征。秃鹰的双翅展开.左右鹰爪分别抓着象征和平和武力权力的橄榄枝和箭。 鹰头目视右方,象征着期望和平.鹰嘴叼着的绶带上写着拉丁文格言“合众为一”(e pluribus unum)。鹰头上方的象征着拥有主权的新生国家“光环”的蓝色背景里镶着象征美国最初13个州的13颗五角星。 鹰胸前有一个没有支撑物的盾,使人混淆的是:盾有两个主要与美国国旗的不同之处:上方的蓝色部分内没有星;不像国旗那样,下放的红白条纹最外面的是白色条纹,而非红色条纹. 封印的反面主体是一个未完工的金字塔,在金字塔的底部用罗马数字刻着日期1776.在金字塔将要完工的顶端,所谓的普罗维登斯之眼观察着一切.左右写着两个铭文:annuit c?ptis:意思是某人(推测可能是普罗维登斯或上帝)认可我们开始.novus ordo seclorum:这是引自维吉尔的诗,意思是时代新秩序“. original 13 states, during the 19th 20th C, 37 were added. 4. American Civil War(1861---65) 5. Reconstruction (1865---77) (rapid growth, urbanization, industrial development, European immigration) 6. (1917-18) participated World War I 10. Participated in the Korean War(1950---53) 11. Entered into the Vietnam War(1964) 12. In 1960s, race riots, anti-war demonstrations 13. In 1991,The first Persian Gulf War(两伊) US led a coalition of forces against Iraq. “三权分立” (Separation of Powers)--- “Absolute power leads to absolute corruption”. “制约与平衡”(Checks and Balances”) The Statue of Liberty, officially titled Liberty Enlightening the World , dedicated on October 28, 1886, is a monument commemorating the centennial of the signing of the United States Declaration of Independence, given to the United States by the people of France to represent the friendship between the two countries established d


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