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12) The entry to WTO prompted us to speed up our reform in our banking system. 加人世贸会促使我们加快银行系统的改革。 * Thanks * * inviting 7) The jam looked so inviting that we all bought a few jars. adj. 诱惑人的;吸引人的 invite 8) You are inviting self-destruction if you don’t quit drinking immediately. v+ing 引起,招致 * * edge 12) At the edge of the forest,… n. 边 15) We used to have a price edge over our competitors. n. [俗]优势, 胜过 odds and ends 16) He… found nothing but some odds and ends. 零星物品; 不要紧的东西 against heavy odds (=with heavy odds against) 17) We knew that we were fighting against heavy odds. 在极端不利的条件下; 寡不敌众 * * Translation 6) Today a wise businessman will not take profit-making as the only objective. He will also stress social responsibility. 今天,一个聪明的企业家不会把谋利当作惟一的目标,他会十分重视对社会的责任。 9) The language used in scientific literature is usually quite formal. 科学文献中用的语言通常比较正式。 16) He opened the trunk of the car and found nothing but some odds and ends. 他打开了汽车行李箱,发现里面除了一些零碎物品,什么都没有。 * * ? plain Can you say it in plain English? adj. 简单的, 单纯的 2) The rain in Spain is mainly in the plain. n. 平原;旷野 5) I don’t know why he did this. It was plain stupid. adj. 彻底的, 完全的 cross 10) Cross the bridge and walk south for about 10 minutes. v. 横渡;渡过;越过 12) Put a cross by it if you think the statement is false. n. 交叉号;表示错误的记号 13) She was extremely cross because she knew… adj. 脾气暴躁的;生气的 * * Translation 4) Apart from armed police, there were many plain clothes, too. 除了武装警察,还有很多便衣。 7) I’m changing my quarters. I’ll give you my address as soon as I’m settled. 我现在居无定所。等我安顿下来马上告诉你我的地址。 13) She was extremely cross because she knew that with the shortest road blocked, she was going to be late. 她很生气,因为她知道这最近的路一阻 塞,她就要迟到了。 * * ? lean 1) We should not lean to either side. vi. 倚靠,偏向 2) The following year was also a lean year. adj. 不毛的,欠收的 3) That tall man with a lean face was accused of… adj. 瘦的, 无脂肪的 4) He leaned his umbrella against the wall, … vt. 靠置;靠在…上


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