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天津职业技术师范大学本科生毕业设计 基于PLC的立体车库控制系统 Design?of?Cubic?Garage?Control?System?Based?on?PLC 专业班级: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 学 院: 摘 要 随着中国社会的飞快成长,买车已经是很普遍的事。城市里已经建成的停车场远不够用,导致将车停放在路边的行为越来越泛滥。通过形式各异的立体车库和停车场以及地下车库的对比,很多地方都突出立体车库优点。日本已经与30、40年前开展了立体车库的研究。若使用双层立体车库,可让每平方米土地得到充分的使用,与地下车库相比,可以减少冬季采暖以及通风管道等设备,而立体车库使用中的用电量与前者对比而言,立体车库用电量较低。 本文介绍了升降横移式立体车库的工作原理,选择二层三列式立体车库作为研究对象,本文简单介绍了立体车库的背景、优点;对升降横移式立体车库的组成、运动方式作了深入分析;确定了以西门子s7-200PLC作为控制系统核心的控制系统;使用组态王软件对系统进行监控,保证使用安全性;做出PLC的I/O分配,并完成了程序流图,完成立体停车库控制系统设计。 关键词:立体车库;PLC;控制系统 ABSTRACT With the rapid development of Chinese society, it is a common thing for people buying car. Since the lacking of parking lot, more and more people begin to park their car at the road side. The comparison among stereo garage with various forms, parking lot and underground parking lot manifests the advantage of stereo garage from many aspects. Jan has researched the stereo garage since about 35 years ago. The double-layer stereo garage can take full use of every square meter’s land and it can decrease the uses of ventilate equipment and heating equipment in winter as well as has lower electricity consumption while comparing to underground parking lot. This thesis, setting double-layer and three-stand stereo garage as research object, explains the work principle of lifting and transferring stereo garage; simply introduces the background and advantage of stereo garage; deeply analyzes the composition and operation method of lifting and transferring stereo garage; confirms the control system setting on the core of Siemens s7-200PLC; employs Kingview software to monitor the system for ensuring its safety; conducts I/0 distribution of PLC; accomplishes the program flow chart; as well as couplets the control system design for stereo garage. Key words: cubic garage; PLC;control system 目 录 第一章 研究立体车库的意义 1 1.1立体车库的研究背景 1 1.2立体车库的优点 1 1.3立体车库的分类及其特点 2 1.3.1横移类机械式停车设备 2 1.3.2垂直循环类机械式停车设备 2 1.3.3堆垛类机械式停车设备 2 1.4 本课题主要研究内容 3 第二章 升降横移式立体车库 4 2.1升降横移式立体车库的简述


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