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高职学生毕业论文 题目: 国际贸易中知识产权壁垒的研究 学 院: 专 业: 200806311052 学生姓名: 指导教师: 日 期: 摘 要 知识产权制度作为激励科技进步、鼓励创新与垄断智力成果之间折衷调和的产物本质上是为了不让竞争对手使用自己的技术或销售自己的产品而拥有的一种垄断性权利。但这种“法定垄断权”的目的是通过对相关权利人的法定保护鼓励创造性的智力活动从而促进技术进步与社会经济发展。因此通常情况下人们很难将知识产权与壁垒联系起来。而当知识产权的排他性应用到跨国生产经营当中时一国的知识产权保护政策就与进出口贸易联系起来了于是成为各国重要的贸易政策之一。当知识产权固有的垄断性超出了合理的范畴.扭曲了正常的国际贸易时就成为了知识产权贸易壁垒。 近年来,随着国际贸易中数量限制的取消和关税的降低,许多发达国家及其跨国公司将知识产权用作保护本国市场的屏障和侵占他国市场的重要手段,知识产权壁垒已经成为我国国际贸易发展的主要障碍之一。文章在阐述知识产权壁垒概念、特征的基础上,主要从法律的角度分析了我们国家和企业应对知识产权壁垒的具体措施。 关键词:知识产权;国际贸易;  Abstract Intellectual property system, as an incentive to encourage innovation and technological progress, intellectual achievement and monopoly between the products of compromise, essentially mixed so as not to give rivals using their own technology or selling your own products and have a monopolistic right. But this legal monopoly for the purpose of related obliged is through the legal protection, encourages creative intelligence activities, so as to promote technological progress and the social economy development. Therefore, it is usually difficult to relate with the barriers of intellectual property. And when intellectual property of exclusive applied to multinational production and operation, a country of intellectual property protection policy is linked to the import and export trade, and become one of the important trade policies in all countries. When intellectual property inherent monopoly beyond reasonable category. Distorts the normal international trade, become the intellectual property trade barriers. In recent years, with the number of international trade restrictions in the lower cancellations and tariffs, many developed countries and multinational companies will intellectual property used as protect domestic market barriers and occupy an important means of other markets, intellectual property rights in international trade barriers has become one of the main impediment to development. The paper describes intellectual property barriers on the ba


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