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8 - * 8 - * 超市是组装线所需消耗品的储存点。The supermarket is the storage point for consumables needed for assembly. 它储存的是未来1~2天内装配工序所需要的物料。 It contains the materials that the assembly process will use in the next 1–2 days. 它不是仓库!Its not a warehouse! 初期时,它需要一些额外的物料搬运程序,比如,供应商将一大批物料送到仓库,仓库再将这批物料以一天一批的形式送到超市。(告诉学员们,本模块的附录三里有关于超市的文章。) It initially requires additional material handling, as suppliers will still be delivering in large batches to the warehouse, which then have to be broken down into 1-day lots for delivery to the supermarket. (Point out to the students the article on supermarkets in Appendix 3. ) 它只是一个过渡方案!It’s only an interim solution! 初期情况 Initial situation: 供应商(包括现场的制造中心)大批大批地(以一周的用量或更多)用大容器送来货物。 Suppliers (which may include onsite fabrication centers) are still delivering in large batches (1-week quantities or larger) and in large containers. 二级物料搬运系统根据需要将这批物料以一天一批(或更少)的形式用小容器送到超市。 A secondary material handling system breaks the supplier-delivered materials down into 1-day lots (or smaller) in right-sized containers, and delivers these to the supermarket when needed. 超市就在生产线旁边。The supermarket is located near the line. 送料员从超市取得物料,用够一小时用量的容器或成套生产的数量,通过生产线库存系统送到生产线。 The waterspider draws materials from the supermarket to either fill 1-hour containers or to build kits, which are then delivered to the line via the line stock system. 中期情况 Intermediate situation: 供应商(以及内部的制造中心)以一天一批(或更少)的形式用适当大小的容器装好直接送到超市,不再需要外购零件或制作零件仓库。 Suppliers (and onsite fabrication centers) are producing and delivering 1-day lots (or smaller) in right-sized containers directly to the supermarket, removing the need for a purchased/fabricated parts warehouse. 超市位于供应点附近(即收货点或制造中心附近)。 The supermarket is located near the originating point of supply (either receiving or the fabrication center). 送料员的作用不变。The waterspider function remains the same. 最终情形 (如果贵司运作支持的话) Ultimate situation (if your operation will support it): 供应商(以及内部的制造中心)以一小时一批或成套物料的形式生产并送到线上,不再需要超市或送料员。 Suppliers (and onsite fabrication
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