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摘 要 由于全球的汽车数量持续上涨,停车难渐渐成为众多大中型城市需要迫切解决的问题。因此,一种为了实现车辆有序存储的设施应运而生。立体车库可以有效的使用土地资源,突出立体空间的优势。本设计以使用非常广泛的升降横移式立体车库作为对象进行研究,深刻了解立体车库的运行效率,制造成本等各种问题。在对全球车库现有状况及发展趋势做了充分调查研究之后,设计了一个立体车库的控制监控系统。以可编程控制器作为控制核心,升降横移动力靠电机来实现,对车库的升降和横移动作进行的准确而有效控制。通过WinCC flexible中建立的组态画面可以对车库的运行状态实时监控,并且能方便有效的控制车库的运行。通过立体车库的运行流程,了解基于西门子S7-300系列的PLC对存取车的控制过程,然后进行模型的建立和控制系统的设计。经过WinCC flexible完成监控画面等功能的建立,在PLC程序运行的前提下,对组态画面进行操作。?可以对各种运行过程及故障报警等功能实时模拟。 ? 关键词:立体车库;可编程序控制器;升降横移;组态软件 Abstract Due to the continuing rise in the number of cars around the world, parking is difficult to gradually become a large and medium-sized cities need to urgently address the problem. Thus, one vehicle in order to achieve an orderly storage facilities emerged. Stereo garage can effectively use land resources, highlighting the advantages of three-dimensional space. The design is widely used in lifting and transferring parking study as an object, a deep understanding of the problems of parking equipment operating efficiency and manufacturing costs. In the current global situation and development trend of the garage to do a full investigation after the design of a three-dimensional garage control monitoring system. In the programmable controller as the control, lifting and transferring power by the motor to achieve accurate lifting and traverse of the garage and effective operation of controls. Configuration screen set up by WinCC flexible in the garage can run real-time status monitoring, and can be easily and effectively control the operation of the garage. Through three-dimensional garage running processes, understanding based on Siemens S7-300 series PLC for vehicle access control process, and then set up and control system design model. After the completion of the establishment of WinCC flexible monitor screen and other functions, in the context of the PLC program running on the configuration screen instructions. Real-time simulation of the process a variety of operating and fault alarm functions. ? K


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