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* Feudal England (3) Chapter 7 History Contents Page * William’s Rule (1066~1087) chapter one Henry II’s Refor (1154~1189) chapter two The Great Charter (1215) chapter three Transition Page * William’s Rule (1066~1087) chapter one William’s Rule 贝叶挂毯上的“征服者”威廉一世 Born around 1028, William was the illegitimate son of Duke Robert I of Normandy . On his fathers death in 1035, William was recognized by his family as the heir - an exception to the general rule that illegitimacy barred succession. His great uncle looked after the Duchy during Williams minority, and his overlord, King Henry I of France, knighted him at the age of 15. William’s Rule 温莎古堡 . 英国王室的行宫 From 1047 onwards, William successfully dealt with rebellion inside Normandy involving his kinsmen and threats from neighbouring nobles, including attempted invasions by his former ally King Henry I of France in 1054 (the French forces were defeated at the Battle of Mortemer) and 1057. After a meeting of Englands leading notables, Harold was crowned on 5 January. In 1066 the Anglo-Saxon king, King Edward the Confessor, died. William, who was Edwards cousin, claimed that Edward, who had no children himself, had named him heir during a visit to France. William’s Rule William, however, obtained the Popes support for his cause. He built a Norman invasion fleet of around 600 ships and an army of 7000 men. He landed at Pevensey in Sussex on 28 September 1066 and assembled a prefabricated wooden castle near Hastings as a base. This prompted Harold to respond immediately and in haste rather than await reinforcements in London. William’s Rule King Harold Godwinson was in the north of England and had just defeated another rival, King Harald Hardrada of Norway, who was supported by Harold Godwinsons own brother Tostig. Harold marched an army of similar size to Williams 250 miles in 9 days to challenge him in battle at Senlac, which later became known as th


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