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— * — The Bourgeois Revolution (1603~1688) Background In the first half of the 17th century capitalism grew rapidly in England.The national industry,cloth-making, had spread all over the country. The capitalist handicraft workshop developed rapidly in a still feudalist society. New industries such as coal-mining,ship-building,glass-making,the production of paper,sugar,and gunpowder,also developed. Two Basic Conditions A large number of employed workers and the consequent expansion of the domestic market; A large amount of capital. The two conditions are to be accomplished by primitive accumulation. England,the earliest and the most typical country of primitive accumulation,achieved these by the “Enclosure Movement” and foreign trade and colonial plunder The Conflict The conflict between the bourgeoisie and the crown became complete in the early years of the 1 7th century. The bourgeoisie had gained economic supremacy, but everywhere it encountered feudal restrictions The foundations of feudal society had already fallen down,but the feudal nobility with the King as their head was still the ruling class. The early 17th century was a period of the most acute class struggle between the bourgeoisie and the feudalists with the King as their head. James I (1603~1625) The Stuarts had been Kings of Scotland since the 1 4th century. When Elizabeth died childless,James VI of Scotland,descended from a sister of Henry VIII, was heir to the English throne. He thus became King of both countries as James VI of Scotland and James I of England. He was determined not to allow the Church of England to become Presbyterian like the Church of Scotland. Charles I (1625~1653) Charles I had a very different personality compared to James. Charles was arrogant, conceited and a strong believer in the divine rights of kings. He had witnessed the damaged relationship between his father and Parliament, and considered that Parliament was entirely at fault. He found it difficult


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