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Best Management Practices on the Golf Course Dr. Matt Fagerness KSU Turfgrass Extension Golf Courses are Vulnerable to: Soil erosion (especially during grow-in) Surface runoff (rain, uneven irrigation) Movement of fertilizer and pesticides offsite Improper use of fertilizers and pesticides This Seminar: Is not intended to criticize course management practices Is intended to offer new perspective(s) on familiar concepts Will hopefully increase awareness of the many practices which affect golf course ecosystems Seminar Breakdown Part I: Basics of Best Management Practices Part II: Integrated Pest Management Part III: Practical Applications of IPM Environmental and Pest Monitoring Pesticide Selection Criteria Applicable Strategies for Reducing Pesticide Input Part I: What are BMPs? Practices implemented before and during management to protect natural resources both on and off the golf course. Four Primary Goals of BMPs: 1) Identify potential for and reduce or eliminate offsite transport of sediment, nutrient, and pesticides. 2) Use strategic, biological, and mechanical soil and water conservation practices 3) Control the rate, method, and types of inputs used 4) Reduce total chemical use through an IPM approach Goals of BMPs 1) Identify potential for and reduce or eliminate offsite transport of sediment, nutrient, and pesticides. (LU, SP) 2) Use strategic, biological, and mechanical soil and water conservation practices 3) Control the rate, method, and types of inputs used 4) Reduce total chemical use through an IPM approach Environmental Planning A proactive environmental approach to golf course construction and management can mitigate future problems. Step I: examine characteristics of the site Step II: identify site’s position relative to watershed drainage basins Step III: identify environmentally sensitive areas Step IV: determine management practices which will help protect sensitive areas Step I: Site Description Topography Major surface water features st


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