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基于社区的商品代理服务平台的系统设计 摘 要 查看定单信息数据库,,Apache Tomcat 5.0,开发平台使用eclipse。 关键词: JSP;Struts;Hibernate;MySQL;社区购物网站; Abstract The graduation project is to design and implement a community-based merchandise agency services platform. It can also be treated as a shopping site, whose users include community of users (customers), realestate company (agents or stores), manufacturers (production manufacturers or dealers). The manufacturer can register a merchandise and look into task list. The community users can do shopping,can look into an order form information, also can pass an E-mail of consultation to the realestate company. The realestate company can browse order form of user,can deliver an E-mail of communion to the user,also can indent merchandise to the manufacturer. In the development process, JavaScript, Jsp, Struts, Hibernate, and other technology are used.MySql is used as database platform, Dreamweaver as web development tool, Apache Tomcat 5.0 as WEB server.The code is developed under eclipse. In the thesis, software demand for the community-based merchandise agency services platform was analysed at first. Then the paper payed more attention to database design, detail design and function implementation of three subsystem including management of manufacturers, merchandise registration and management of email. Keywords: JSP;Struts;Hibernate;MySQL;Community shopping website; 目 录 1 绪论 1 2 毕业设计选用的技术和工具 2 2.1 为什么使用Java语言 2 2.1.1 Java语言的特点 2 2.1.2 选用Java的原因 2 2.2 开发环境及开发工具的介绍 2 2.2.1 Eclipse概述 2 2.2.2 Tomcat介绍 2 2.2.3 MySQL介绍 2 2.3 Servlet技术 3 2.3.1 Servlet概述 3 2.3.2 Servlet的优势 3 2.4 JSP技术 4 2.4.1 JSP的概述 4 2.4.2 JSP的特点和优点 4 2.5 Struts技术 5 2.5.1 MVC设计模式 5 2.5.2 Struts简介 6 2.6 Hibernate技术 8 2.6.1 Hibernate 的产生背景 8 2.6.2 Hibernate简介 8 2.6.3 Hibernate原理 9 3 需求分析和概要设计 10 3.1 系统用例说明 10 3.2 系统设计中的层次划分 11 3.2.1 视图层 11 3.2.2 业务层 14 3.2.3 持久化层 15 3.3 系统设计中的模块设计 17 3.3.1 商品注册设计 17 3.3.2 厂商管理设计 18 3.3.3 邮件管理设计 18 3.4 静态模型 19 4 数据库设计 21 4.1 E-R图



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