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城市与大气污染 城市人口规模的大幅增加 电力、水和化学燃料的消耗中心 废弃物和污染物的产生中心 城市活动的影响不受城市边界的限制 1.2城市大气污染物 传统污染气体危害呼吸系统和心血管系统。 悬浮微粒引起重金属中毒 挥发性有机化合物(VOCs)的危害 污染物对植物的危害 污染物浓度的地域分布 大气气溶胶 大气中悬浮均匀分布的相当数量的固体微粒和液体微粒,如海盐粉粒、灰尘(特别是硅酸盐)、烟尘和有机物等多种物质,所构成的稳定混合物,统称为气溶胶粒子。半径 10-2—10-8 cm主要来源有自然源和人工源两种。 青岛大气气溶胶水溶性无机离子研究:季节分布特征 结果表明,SO4 2-、NO3- 、NH4+和Cl-是TSP中水溶性离子的主要成分,四者质量浓度之和占总水溶性离子质量浓度的86.9%. 颗粒物浓度在晴天时最低,其次是雾天,再次是烟雾和霾,沙尘天气下质量浓度最高. Visibility reduction by air pollution in The Netherlands Present and future emissions of air pollutants in China:: SO2, NOx, and CO As part of the CHINA-MAP program, sponsored by the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration, regional inventories of air pollutants emitted in China are being characterized, in order that the atmospheric chemistry over China can be more fully understood and the resulting ambient concentrations in Chinese cities and the deposition levels to Chinese ecosystems be determined with better confidence. Present and future emissions of air pollutants in China:: SO2, NOx, and CO This paper presents estimates of emissions of three of the major air pollutants in China: sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and carbon monoxide (CO). Emissions are estimated for each of the 29 regions of China covered by the RAINS-ASIA simulation model, including Hong Kong and Taiwan. All sectors of the Chinese economy are considered, including the combustion of biofuels in rural homes. Data for 1990 and 1995 are presented, as well as two projections for the year 2020 under alternative assumptions about levels of environmental control. Sulfur dioxide emissions are projected to increase from 25.2?mt in 1995 to 30.6?mt in 2020, provided emission controls are implemented on major power plants; if this does not happen, emissions could increase to as much as 60.7?mt by 2020. Emissions of nitrogen oxides are projected to increase from 12.0?mt in 1995 to somewhere in the range of 26.6–29.7?mt by 2020, with little in the way of pollution controls or other emission reduction


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