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四川师范大学成都学院广播电视方向课程设计 函数信号发生器设计 学生姓名 杨媛媛 学 号 2012101077 所在学院 通信工程学院 专业名称 通信工程 班 级 2012级广电班 指导教师 周永强 成 绩 四川师范大学成都学院 二○一五年六月 函数信号发生器设计 学生:杨媛媛 指导教师:周永强 内容摘要:在现代电子学的各个领域,常常需要高精度且频率可方便调节的信号发生器。 种波形曲线均可以用三角函数方程式来表示。能够产生多种波形,如三角波、锯齿波、矩形波(含方波)、正弦波的电路称为函数信号发生器,又名信号源或振荡器。函数信号发生器与正弦波信号发生器相比具有体积小、功耗少、价格低等优点, 最主要的是函数信号发生器的输出波形较为灵活, 有三种波形(方波、三角波和正弦波)可供选择,在生产实践,电路实验,设备检测和科技领域中有着广泛的应用。 该函数信号发生器可产生三种波形,方波,三角波,正弦波,具有数字显示输出信号频率和电压幅值功能,其产生频率信号范围1HZ~100kHZ,输出信号幅值范围0~10V,信号产生电路由比较器,积分器,差动放大器构成,频率计部分由时基电路、计数显示电路等构成。幅值输出部分由峰值检测电路和芯片7107等构成。 关键词:信号发生器 比较器 积分器 ADC芯片 Design of function signal generator Abstract: In all areas of modern electronics, often requiring high accuracy and frequency of the signal generator can be easily adjusted. Waveforms curve can use trigonometric equation to represent. It can produce a variety of waveforms, such as triangular wave, sawtooth wave, square wave (including square), the circuit is called a sine function signal generator, also known as the signal source or oscillator. Function signal generator with sine wave signal generator, compared with small size, less power consumption, and low price, the most important function of the output waveform signal generator is more flexible, there are three waveforms (square, triangle wave and sine ) to choose from, with a wide range of applications in production practice, circuit test, test equipment and technology fields. The function generator can produce three waveform, square wave, triangle wave, sine wave, with a digital display output signal frequency and voltage amplitude function, which generates a frequency signal range of 1HZ ~ 100kHZ, the output signal amplitude range of 0 ~ 10V, signal generating circuit consists of a comparator, an integrator, a differential amplifier, frequency meter part by the time base circuit, counting display circuit and the like. Amplitude of the output section consists of a peak detector circuit and chip 7107 and so on. Keywords:


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