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课程设计论文 题 目: 二阶有源带通滤波器 院 (系): 信息与通信学院 专 业: 通信工程 学生姓名: 学 号: 0800210326 指导教师: 王吉平 职 称: 讲师 2010年 12月 22 日 摘 要 近年来,各种基于电力电子技术的非线性装置在电力系统中的应用日益广泛,使得谐波危害日益严重。为了保证电力系统的安全运行,必须对谐波污染进行治理,以改善电能质量。 就当前的工业现实而言,抑制谐波的基本手段是装各类滤波补偿装置。无源滤波器的结构简单,经济性好,但易受电网阻抗和运行状态影响与系统发生谐振,且仅能补偿固定频率的谐波。而有源滤波器则可以解决这些问题,并且可以自动跟踪补偿变化的谐波,具有高度可控性,因而具有极高的发展前景。 本文的主要内容有: 1. 压控电压源二阶有源带通滤波器理论,包括其数学模型和典型参数; 2. 介绍集成运放μA741的结构、引脚及性能参数; 3. 软件protel 99SE 和 multisim 10的简要介绍; 4. 焊接的基本知识; 5. 设计、仿真、制作一个二阶压控电压源滤波器,并对其进行测试。 关键词:二阶压控电压源带通滤波器;典型参数;仿真;测试 Abstract In recent years, various based on power electronic technology of nonlinear device in power system are applied widely, making the increasingly serious harmonic harm. In order to ensure the safe operation of the power system harmonic pollution, it is necessary to undertake administrative, in order to improve the quality of power. Of the current industrial real character, restrain harmonics of the basic means is packed all kinds of filter compensation devices. Passive filter structure is simple, economical, but vulnerable network impedance and running state affecting and system in resonance, and only can compensate fixed frequency harmonics. And active filter may solve these problems, and can be used to monitor the changes of harmonic compensation, highly controlled, thus has the high development prospects. The main content of this article are: 1. The voltage controlled voltage source second-order active band-pass filters theory, including its mathematical model and the typical parameters, 2. Introduce integrated op-amp muon A741 structure, pins and performance parameters, 3. Software protel 99 and multisim brief introduction, 4 the basic knowledge of welding, 5. Design, make a second order voltage controlled voltage source filter, and carries on the test. Key words: vol


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