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Protein Structure Determination * X-Ray Diffraction Analysis X-Ray Diffraction Analysis X射线衍射分析法 1901???????伦琴 (Roentgen) 发现X射线(1895) 1914???????劳厄(Laue) 晶体的X射线衍射 1915???????布拉格父子 (Bragg) 分析晶体结构 1917 巴克拉 (Barkla) 元素的标识X射线 1924????????塞格巴恩 (Siegbahn ) X射线光谱学 1927????????康普顿(Compton等六人) 康普顿效应 1936????????德拜 (Debye) 化学 1946????????马勒 (Muller) 医学 1964????????霍奇金 (Hodgkin) 化学 1979????????柯马克森菲尔德(Cormack/Hounsfield) 医学 1981 塞格巴恩(Siegbahn) 物理 X射线大事记 X-ray diffraction experiments enable the structures of unknown crystals, as well as the orientation and perfection of large single crystals and their lattice parameters, to be determined. Many solids from small molecules to large proteins can be profiled using this analytical technique. (adapted from USP29–NF24, Page 2788) X-ray diffraction(X衍射) 四国药典检测技术和项目的比较 X-ray diffraction(X衍射) X-ray diffraction (XRD) is a nondestructive(无损) technique that operates on the nanometre scale based on the elastic scattering of X-rays from structures that have long range order (i.e. an organised structure of some sort, e.g. periodicity, such as in a crystal or polymer). It can be used to identify and characterise a diverse range of materials, such as metals, minerals, polymers, catalysts, plastics, pharmaceuticals, proteins, thin-film coatings, ceramics and semiconductors. Principle 产生X射线的设备称为X射线机,主要由X射线管、高压变压器和控制线路组成。 X射线管由一个热阴极(W丝)和金属靶材料(Cu、Fe、Cr、Mo等重金属)制成的阳极所组成,管内抽真空到10-6mmHg柱。首先加热阴极使产生热电子,再在两极之间加上几万伏的高压,电子被加速向阳极靶撞击,此时电子的运动被突然停止,电子的能量大部分变 mmHg为法定单位,1mmHg = 1.33322×102Pa,下同。 X射线管示意图 产生X射线的设备 The two main types of XRD are X-ray crystallography and X-ray powder diffraction. X-ray crystallography, also known as single crystal diffraction, is a technique that is used to examine the whole structure of a crystal. The crystal is hit with X-rays and, in a typical experiment, the intensity of the X-rays diffracted from the sample is recorded as a function of angular mov


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