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Unit 3 What’s Their Number Again? Warm-up Listening and Speaking In this unit, we will learn something about our memory. about past events. 2.know how to improve memory. 3.take minutes. Learning Aims Teaching Procedures Among these people , who stand out most in your memory ? Warm-up teachers friends parents doctors policemen firemen 1. Why do you think those people you chose in Activity1 impress you most? 2.Can you tell a story about them from your memory? 3.What did you learn from them? Discussion They stand for law and justice. When we’re in danger, they can protect us, and they make us feel safe. As soon as we see them, we think of fire and danger. What are your earliest childhood memories and how old were you then ? 1、Pre-listening: magic adj. 有魔力的 Magician n. 魔术师stage n. 舞台 presenter n.主持人 Listening and Speaking : A . What I Remembered Then New words: 1. magic adj. 有魔力的 2. magician n. 魔术师 3. stage n. 舞台 4. presenter n. 主持人 5. cheat n. 骗子 6. swallow v. 吞没 New phrases: 1. at one point 在某一时刻 2. put one’s foot in it 犯错误 3. stay up 熬夜 4. come down (from …to…) New words and phrases: The boy was taken to the theatre because it was his birthday. The boy’s mum pushed him and encouraged him to go up to the stage. The magician refused to have the boy as his assistant. The boy felt awful while standing on the stage. True or false. F F T T before Christmas 2、while-listening go on it didn’t matter Listen for details. 2、while-listening Clues Details How old was the boy? What was the background? What happened? What happened in the end? How did the boy feel? The boy cheated on the stage. The week before Christmas Eight or nine years old. The magician let him stay on the stage. The boy felt awful. Take


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