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教学单位 信息工程系 学生学号 2091234141 本科毕业论文(设计) 题 目 基于单片机智能电水壶控制系统设计 学生姓名 张俊 专业名称 电子信息工程 指导教师 丁么明 邬小林 2012年12月20日 基于单片机智能电水壶控制系统设计 摘要:本课题设计介绍了MCS-51系列单片机为控制芯片,对电热水壶工作进行控制的方法。通过电加热电路对水进行加热,并对水的温度进行采样,采样信号通过DS18B20将数字量送入单片机系统,经微机处理后,结合键盘控制实现LCD1602显示,并可实现对水的温度的控制和超过水温的报警系统。单片机控制热水壶的硬件构成包括8051芯片、LM393芯片等组成的单片机控制电路、温度检测电路、键盘及显示电路和温度加热电路。整个系统的关键电路是单片机控制电路,完成信号的输入和输出的转换,即可将温度检测电路采样的输入信号通过温度传感器进行处理加工后输出到显示器进行显示,并可以通过控制器控制温度,同时当水加热超过指定的温度以后,蜂鸣器工作报警,水温低于设定的温度值时,系统又开始自行运行,另外电水壶控制系统可以防止干烧。 关键字:单片机;温度控制;控制器 Based on the SCM smart kettle control system Abstract: The design of this project MCS-51 series single-chip controller chip control, electric kettle work. Water through the heating circuit of the electrically heated, and the temperature of the water is sampled, sampled signal by the DS18B20 will digital quantity fed to the microcontroller system, after computer processing, combining the keyboard control for LCD1602 display, and to achieve the control on the temperature of the water and more than the water temperature alarm system. Microcontroller control Kettle hardware configuration including the 8051, LM393 chip microcontroller control circuit, temperature detection circuit, keyboard and display circuit and temperature heating circuit. Key circuit of the entire system is the SCM control circuit, and signals the completion of the conversion of the input and output, the input signal can be sampled by the temperature detection circuit by the temperature sensor for processing processing output to the display to display, and the temperature can be controlled by the controller, exceeds the specified temperature when the water was heated at the same time, the buzzer alarm, and when the water temperature is below the set temperature value, the system began to run on its own, another Kettle control system can prevent dry [15]. Key Words: SCM;Temperature control;Controller1、引言 1 2、热水壶控制系统相关技术总体



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