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文章编号:CAR064 新型回质过程对吸附式冷冻机组制冷性能的影响 李素玲 夏再忠 吴静怡 王如竹 (上海交通大学制冷与低温工程研究所,太阳能发电与制冷工程研究中心,上海200240 ) 摘 要 本文研制了一台由 100oC~140oC 的低压水蒸汽驱动的吸附式冷冻机组,吸附床的加热和冷却方式采用热管型加热 和闭式单相流体冷却,使吸附床加热/冷却切换阀门始终处于正压的工作状态。并改进了两个吸附床之间的回质路径。回质 管不再是简单的安装两个吸附床之间,而是安装在两个蒸发器之间。这种特殊的安装方式,能够有效的改善吸附式冷冻机组 在回质过程中不制冷或负制冷的特性,实现吸附式制冷系统真正意义上的连续制冷过程。并建立测试其性能的测试台。通过 实验数据检验冷冻机组回质结构设计的合理性和有效性。实验结果表明,在热源温度为 100~140℃,冷却水温度为 25 ℃, 蒸发温度为-15℃,机组在回质过程中的制冷量为 5.4kW, SCP 为 200W/kg 。 关键词 冷冻 吸附 低压蒸汽 热管 Li Suling Xia Zaizhong Wu Jingyi Wang Ruzhu (Engineering Research Center of Solar Power and Refrigeration,Institute of Refrigeration and Cryogenics, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200030 ) Abstract A novel adsorption refrigeration system driven by the 100oC~140oC waste vapor is developed in this paper. The heating and cooling systems of the adsorbers are heat pipe heating and closed loop cooling. These heating and cooling systems make the cooling/heating switch valves always work at the pressure condition. The mass recovery path is improved in this paper 。The mass recovery pipe is installed between the two evaporators, not between the two adsorbers as in the literatures. This mass recovery path can efficiently improve the performances of the adsorption refrigeration systems ,realize the continue output of cooling power and remove the no cooling power and little cooling power states in the mass recovery process. The test system of the adsorption refrigeration system is also developed in this paper. The test results show that the cooling power of the adsorption system is 5.4kW and SCP is 200W/kg in the mass recovery process at the conditions of the heating vapor temperature of 100~140℃, the cooling water temperature of 25℃ and the evaporation tempe


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