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第八届全国振动理论及应用学术会议论文集,上海,2003 年 11 月 新型波振台的振动机理研究 蒋培,张春华,陈循,蒋瑜 (国防科学技术大学,长沙 410073) 摘 要: 本文介绍了一种新型的振动试验设备——波振台,它对试件缺陷的激发效能明显得高于传统的 电磁振动台。这是因为其振动的两个显著特征:①能实现三轴六自由度的多轴随机振动;②每个轴向上是非 平稳中的一类循环平稳的、非高斯的、宽频带的随机振动。另外不足的是,它只能控制振动的量级,而不能 像传统的电磁振动台一样实现振动频谱的可控。本文从波振台台体结构、激振机理和振动控制原理三个方面 阐述其振动实现的原理。波振台的振动是通过安装在不同位置和不同角度的多路气锤反复冲击形成的。本文 首先研究其激振气锤和台面的相互位置关系以及它们的特殊结构和材料。然后利用弹性波理论和信号随机调 制理论,分析了多路随机振动互相作用。最后从加速度反馈控制角度来分析其振动控制原理。 关键词: 随机振动;循环平稳;非高斯;气锤;反馈控制 Vibration Mechanism of a New Vibration Testing Machine JIANG Pei, ZHANG Chun-hua, CHEN Xun, JIANG Yu (National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073) Abstract: This paper introduces a new vibration testing equipment, fluctuating vibration machine. Its failure stimulating effect and efficiency are distinctly higher than conventional electro dynamic. This is due to its two distinct characteristics: ①six degree of freedom multiaxial random vibration; ②each axis vibration is cyclostationary non-Gaussian wide band. Whereas it can only control vibration level , and cannot control vibration spectrum as conventional electro dynamic. Its vibration mechanism was illustrated from three aspects, vibration mechanism, machine structure and vibration control. It has several pneumatic-hammers fixed in different location and different angle, and all the pneumatic-hammers repetitively shock , so produce the vibration. At first this paper analyzed the special structure and material of the pneumatic-hammer and vibration table. Then the mutual affection of multi-pneumatic-hammers was studied using the theory of elasticity wave and 作者简介:蒋培(1975-),男,湖北人,博士研究生 1 random modulation. Finally acceleration feedback control mechanism is illustrated.


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