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原创性声明 本人呈交的毕业论文,是在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果,所有数据、图片资料真实可靠。尽我所知,除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本毕业论文的研究成果不包含他人享有著作权的内容。对本论文所涉及的研究工作做出贡献的其他个人和集体,均已在文中以明确的方式标明。本毕业论文的知识产权归属于培养单位。 本人签名: 日期: 摘 要 本文通过在详细调查和研究道真至高寨高速公路K99+820~K99+970段滑坡工程地质条件以及滑坡岩土体分布特征的基础下,根据滑坡治理要求按照公路行业相关规范、规程,滑坡相关规范、规程,采用工程测量、工程地质测绘、钻探、取样室内试验及地质调绘等综合勘察手段,结合采用不平衡推力传递系数法、工程类比法等方法对该滑坡的变形破坏机制进行了深入且系统的研究分析,结果表明,该滑坡处于稳定状态,不会整体失稳,在路基开挖后处于不稳定状态,尤其在暴雨,现状坡体已发生滑动,极为不稳定,考虑到路基进一步开挖后可能会发生更深层滑动,故需要对该滑坡进行防治处理。 从现场情况来看,该滑坡暴雨后已发生滑移,该路段已被迫停止施工,影响严重,与研究结果相符。为防治该滑坡,在边坡三级坡平台处设置桩板墙,采取中风化砂质泥岩作为持力层。 关键词:滑坡 稳定性 传递系数法 防治措施 ABSTRACT Landslide is a geological engineering project is the most common adverse geological disasters, often bring economic losses and casualties and other serious problems, so on landslide stability research and the improvement measures of the study is imperative. Based on detailed investigation and study it to Gao Zhai Expressway K99+820 ~ K99+970 landslide engineering geological condition and foundation of landslide distribution, according to the landslide of highway industry in accordance with the requirements of relevant norms, rules, norms and rules related to landslide, using engineering surveying, engineering geological mapping, drilling, sampling and indoor test geological mapping and other comprehensive investigation method, combining with the unbalanced thrust transfer coefficient method, engineering analogy method and other methods of the landslide deformation mechanism is studied in-depth and systematic analysis, results show that in the natural state, the landslide is in steady state, basically not the overall instability in Subgrade after excavation in the steady state, especially in the rain erosion, slope sliding situation has occurred, is extremely unstable, taking into account the subgrade may further excavation will occur after the deep sliding, so it needs the landslide prevention and treatment. From the point of view of the sce


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