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4.2.1 Definition Wetland 通常指水域 (open-water habitats) 以及季节性或永久性淹水的(waterlogged, 浸满水的,涝的)陆地; 由于土地使用上的冲突(conflicting),湿地范围的界定是有争议的(controversial)。湿地包括从永久淹水的区域到生长季节某些时期阶段性水饱和并生长有水生植物 (hydrophytic)的地区。 《湿地公约》中的定义 不论其为天然或人工、长久或暂时性的沼泽地,泥炭地或水域地带,静止或流动的淡水、半咸水、咸水水体,包括低潮时水深不超过6 m的水域;同时还包括邻接湿地的河湖沿岸、沿海区域以及位于湿地范围内的岛屿或低潮时水深不超过6 m的海水水体 按此定义,湿地包括湖泊、河流、沼泽(森林沼泽和草本沼泽)、滩地(河滩、湖滩和沿海滩涂)、盐湖、盐沼以及海岸带区域的珊瑚礁、海草区、红树林和河口等类型 4.2.2 有关湿地的术语和湿地类型Wetland Terms and Types Terms Used to Describe Wetlands Aquatic Bed: Areas of shallow permanent water that are dominated by plants that grow on or below the surface of the water. Bog: A peat(泥炭)-accumulating wetland that has no significant inflow or outflow of ground or surface water and because of its acidic nature, supports acidophilic vegetation, particularly Sphagnum mosses(泥炭藓). Bottomland: Lowlands (usually forested) along streams and rivers that are periodically flooded. Estuary: A marsh system associated with the drowned mouth of a large river. Fen: A peat-accumulating wetland that receives some inputs of ground water or drainage from surrounding mineral soils which typically results in alkaline waters and usually supports grass-like vegetation. Marsh: A frequently or continually inundated wetland characterized by grass-like and other emergent vegetation adapted to saturated soil conditions. In European terminology a marsh has a mineral soil substrate and does not accumulate peat. Mire: Synonymous with any peat-accumulating wetland (European definition) Moor: Synonymous with peatland (European definition) Muskeg(泥炭沼泽、厚苔泽): Large expanses of peatlands; particularly used in Canada and Alaska Peatland(泥炭地): A generic term for any wetland that accumulates partially decayed plant matter. Playa: Term used in southwestern United States for marshlike ponds similar to potholes but with a different geologic origin. Poor Fen: A peat-accumulating wetland that is transitional between a true bog and a true fen. Pothole(壶穴): A shallow, marshlike pond, parti


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